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= Teragrep Configuration Library for Java
// Add a short description of your project. Tell what your project does and what it's used for.
CNF-01 is a library that provides immutable configuration for Java projects. Immutability is achieved by converting the configuration source into an immutable Map. The resulting configuration Map can't be altered even with modifying the underlying source.
== Features
// List your project's features
. System Properties (PropertiesConfiguration
. environment variables (EnvironmentConfiguration
)== Limitations
// If your project has limitations, please list them. Otherwise remove this section. All planned configuration sources are not yet supported.
== How to use
// add instructions how people can start to use your project === Configuration
All sources of configuration can be used with the Configuration
interface. It provides the method asMap()
which returns the immutable configurations.
An example with PathConfiguration
=== Default configuration
You might want to specify default configurations in case something brakes. For example, the file path in the code block above might not be found. In the following example, notice how the Map with default configurations are given through the ImmutabilitySupportedMap
object to ensure type safety. DefaultConfiguration
only takes an ImmutableMap
(provided in CNF-01) as a parameter for the defaults.
Map<String, String> map = new HashMap<>(); ImmutableMap<String, String> defaults = new ImmutabilitySupportedMap<>(map).toImmutableMap();
=== Configuration objects in your project
The configuration Map from CNF-01 shouldn't be used directly in regular objects. It should only be passed to objects that are responsible for providing configured versions of other objects, in other words, Factories.
Small example with an Example
Here, the logic for instantiating an Example
is in the ExampleFactory
object, which receives the configuration map from CNF-01 as a parameter. This ensures that the main object Example
is as clear as it can be.
== Contributing
// Change the repository name in the issues link to match with your project's name
You can involve yourself with our project by https://github.com/teragrep/cnf_01/issues/new/choose[opening an issue] or submitting a pull request.
Contribution requirements:
. All changes must be accompanied by a new or changed test. If you think testing is not required in your pull request, include a sufficient explanation as why you think so. . Security checks must pass . Pull requests must align with the principles and http://www.extremeprogramming.org/values.html[values] of extreme programming. . Pull requests must follow the principles of Object Thinking and Elegant Objects (EO).
Read more in our https://github.com/teragrep/teragrep/blob/main/contributing.adoc[Contributing Guideline].
=== Contributor License Agreement
Contributors must sign https://github.com/teragrep/teragrep/blob/main/cla.adoc[Teragrep Contributor License Agreement] before a pull request is accepted to organization's repositories.
You need to submit the CLA only once. After submitting the CLA you can contribute to all Teragrep's repositories.