terary / gabby-query-protocol-lib

Gabby Query Protocol - library
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codecov awesome Gabby Query Protocol Total alerts Language grade: JavaScript

This package is the base library for Gabby Query Protocol. It mostly focuses on the Predicate Formula aspects of GQP.


Using npm:

$ npm install gabby-query-protocol-lib


This Repo's docs

Project's docs

./examples/* contains executable snippets found in documentation.


This is a sub-project the Gabby Query Protocol. The purpose of this project is to provide utilities for building Predicate Trees.


Predicate - a simple expression that evaluates to to true or false. Properties: operator, subjectId, value. Example: {subjectId: "firstname", operator: "$eq", value: "barney"}.

Predicate Junction - an disjunction or conjunction expression. Properties: operator Example: {operator: "$and"}.

Predicate Formula - coherent collection of predicate statements.

Predicate Tree - The shape (coherent part) of the predicate statements. Externally this is json representation of a Directed Tree Graph. (I had better luck googling 'directed tree'). Each node exactly 1 parent, except root. Any branch will have 2 or more children, AKA: no single child rule. This is differs from traditional directed trees.

Predicate Tree

Main Classes/Types


export interface IPredicateTree {
  // visitor pattern.
  acceptVisitor(visitor: IVisitor<TPredicateNode>): void;

  appendPredicate(parentId: string, predicate: TPredicateNode): string;

  getChildrenIds(predicateId: string): string[];

  // returns TPredicateProperties | TPredicateJunctionPropsWithChildIds | null
  getPredicateById(predicateId: string): TPredicateNode | null;

  getPredicateByIdOrThrow(predicateId: string): TPredicateNode;

  // getPredicate - as TPredicateJunctionPropsWithChildIds  *preferred*
    predicateId: string
  ): TPredicateJunctionPropsWithChildIds | null;

  // getPredicate - as TPredicateProperties  *preferred*
  getPredicatePropsById(predicateId: string): TPredicateProperties | null;

  getPredicatePropsByIdOrThrow(predicateId: string): TPredicateProperties;

    predicateId: string
  ): TPredicateJunctionPropsWithChildIds;

  isBranch(predicateId: string): boolean;

  removePredicate(predicateId: string): void;

  // for update purposes, alias coming soon.
  replacePredicate(predicateId: string, predicate: TPredicateNode): void;
  rootNodeId: string;

  toJson(): TSerializedPredicateTree;

Leaf Predicate (TPredicateProperties)

type TPredicateProperties = {
  subjectId: string;
  operator: TPredicateOperator;
  value: number | string; // this is the instance of Predicate, the type of this is
  // determined by the subject definition {subjectId, validOps, datatype...}

Branch Predicate (TPredicatePropertiesJunction)

type TPredicatePropertiesJunction = {
  operator: TPredicateJunctionOperator;


Should only be readOnly operators used for default values and validation.

export interface IPredicateSubjectDictionary
  extends IExportToJson<IPredicateSubjectDictionary, TPredicateSubjectDictionaryJson> {
  getOptionsList(subjectId: string): TPredicateSubjectOptionsList;
  // getAllSubjects(): TPredicateSubjectDictionary; // internal dictionary
  getSubjectIds(): string[];
  getSubject(subjectId: string): TPredicateSubjectWithId;
  //   getSubjectOrThrow(subjectId: string): TPredicateSubjectWithId;
  getDefaultSubject(): TPredicateSubjectWithId;
  makeEmptyPredicate(): TPredicateProperties;
  getColumns(): TPredicateSubjectAsColumnDefinition[];
  toJson(): TPredicateSubjectDictionaryJson;


import { PredicateFormulaEditorFactory, TPredicateProperties } from "../src";
import { EXAMPLE_JSON_BLUE_SKIES } from "../src";

const { predicateTreeJson } = EXAMPLE_JSON_BLUE_SKIES;
const { predicateSubjectsDictionaryJson: subjectDictionaryJson } =

export const predicateFormula = PredicateFormulaEditorFactory.fromJson({
  predicateTreeJson: predicateTreeJson,
  // predicateTreeJson is optional.
  // if undefined tree will be empty (like new document, start from scratch)

  subjectDictionaryJson: subjectDictionaryJson,

const newPredicate: TPredicateProperties = {
  operator: "$eq",
  subjectId: "firstName",
  value: "Barney",

const newPredicateId = predicateFormula.predicatesAppend(

const toBeUpdatedPredicate = predicateFormula.predicatesGetPropertiesById(newPredicateId);
toBeUpdatedPredicate.value = "Betty";

predicateFormula.predicatesReplace(newPredicateId, toBeUpdatedPredicate);
console.log(JSON.stringify(predicateFormula.toJson(), null, 2));

npm run

Transpile to js includes source map and types, target directory './dist'

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