terascope / base-docker-image

Base docker image for Node
MIT License
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Convert this to github actions #8

Closed godber closed 1 year ago

godber commented 1 year ago

The CI for this should be converted to Github actions.

godber commented 1 year ago

Here's what build_and_push.sh does when told to push:

* BUILDING terascope/node-base:14.21.3...

docker build --file Dockerfile --build-arg NODE_VERSION=14.21.3 --pull --tag terascope/node-base:14.21.3 .

* BUILDING terascope/node-base:14.21.3-core...

docker build --file Dockerfile.core --build-arg NODE_VERSION=14.21.3 --pull --tag terascope/node-base:14.21.3-core .

* BUILDING terascope/node-base:16.20.0...

docker build --file Dockerfile --build-arg NODE_VERSION=16.20.0 --pull --tag terascope/node-base:16.20.0 .

* BUILDING terascope/node-base:16.20.0-core...

docker build --file Dockerfile.core --build-arg NODE_VERSION=16.20.0 --pull --tag terascope/node-base:16.20.0-core .

* BUILDING terascope/node-base:18.16.0...

docker build --file Dockerfile --build-arg NODE_VERSION=18.16.0 --pull --tag terascope/node-base:18.16.0 .

* BUILDING terascope/node-base:18.16.0-core...

docker build --file Dockerfile.core --build-arg NODE_VERSION=18.16.0 --pull --tag terascope/node-base:18.16.0-core .

* BUILDING terascope/node-base:20.2.0...

docker build --file Dockerfile --build-arg NODE_VERSION=20.2.0 --pull --tag terascope/node-base:20.2.0 .

* BUILDING terascope/node-base:20.2.0-core...

docker build --file Dockerfile.core --build-arg NODE_VERSION=20.2.0 --pull --tag terascope/node-base:20.2.0-core .


Do you want to push ? y

* PUSHING terascope/node-base:14.21.3...

docker push terascope/node-base:14.21.3

* PUSHING terascope/node-base:14.21.3-core...

docker push terascope/node-base:14.21.3-core

* PUSHING terascope/node-base:16.20.0...

docker push terascope/node-base:16.20.0

* PUSHING terascope/node-base:16.20.0-core...

docker push terascope/node-base:16.20.0-core

* PUSHING terascope/node-base:18.16.0...

docker push terascope/node-base:18.16.0

* PUSHING terascope/node-base:18.16.0-core...

docker push terascope/node-base:18.16.0-core

* PUSHING terascope/node-base:20.2.0...

docker push terascope/node-base:20.2.0

* PUSHING terascope/node-base:20.2.0-core...

docker push terascope/node-base:20.2.0-core
godber commented 1 year ago

I think as a rule, I'm going to try and avoid embedding any action logic in bash scripts like this does. So I am going to shoot for

Edit: I change the build/push to happen on release instead of merge to master.

godber commented 1 year ago

This PR worked


You can see the output of the first release here:


The workflow now requires a manual Release after merging in to master.

Also this now has the disadvantage of not being able to do local builds since the build is done by the Github action. We may want to rethink this.

Also note that the versions need to be kept in sync in these two place:

godber commented 1 year ago

Note, I've added a master branch protection that requires the three build_matrix steps to complete ... given that these are parameterized by the matrix, I don't really know what will happen when that list is changed. So that restriction might end up needing to be removed.


Otherwise this issue is complete.