terascope / base-docker-image

Base docker image for Node
MIT License
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Terascope Base Docker images

This project builds the Terascope base images used by Teraslice. Below are the latest docker image tags.

With the terafoundation connectors builtin:

Without: (this will save the image size by roughly 200MB)

Check for the latest version tags here:


At the moment, manual builds can be done like this (substitute the appropriate NodeJS version):

# With connectors
docker build --file Dockerfile --pull \
--build-arg NODE_VERSION=18.19.1 \
--tag terascope/node-base:18.19.1 .

# Without connectors
docker build --file Dockerfile.core --pull \
--build-arg NODE_VERSION=18.19.1 \
--tag terascope/node-base:18.19.1-core .

Double check the action output before relying on the above commands.

Release Workflow

The build and publishing is done by Github Actions.