teresabowe / furniture-restoration-collective

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Furniture Restoration Collective

The Furniture Restoration Collective website is primarily a Business to Consumer (B2C) E-Commerce website. The site has two main functions. Firstly, it allows visitors to browse and purchase furniture products restored by a group of craftspeople. Secondly, visitors can get a quote for a restoration project they may have in mind. If the user wishes, the quote can also be processed and an order placed for the restoration work to be done. A registered user can add a review for the services they have received. The site administrator can then choose whether to add the review to the main web page for others to see. Visitors can choose to signup to the mailing list to take advantage of offers and receive the newsletter. Site administrators can create, read, update and delete products through the user interface. The site administrator can also delete a product from the product detail page.

Responsive Mockup

The live site is available for use on Heroku.




This project uses the Agile methodology presented on the GitHub platform. There are 10 epics shown as milestones and 34 user stories shown as issues in GitHub. These user stories are split into four project iterations. The aim is to deliver a usable product at the end of each iteration.

Project Goal

The goal of the project is to create a website to allow users to purchase a piece of furniture that has been restored or to get a quote for a restoration project they may have.

A typical user is someone:

Key features identified are:

Web Marketing Strategy

The web marketing strategy for Furniture Restoration Collective focuses on Search Engine Optimisation (SEO), Social Media Marketing, Email Marketing, and Content Marketing. There are three user personas associated with the Furniture Restoration Collective:

This iteration of the project focuses on the former two personas, the antique and retro furniture enthusiasts, and the hobbyist interested in reclaiming and restoring furniture.

SEO Strategy

To develop the SEO strategy both short and long-tail keywords were generated using brainstorming techniques from a list of expected user topics of interest. These were subsequently tested in Google searches to expand on the initial keywords. The Google “People also ask” and “Related searches” were also considered in the development of the keywords. The keywords were ranked based on relevancy, authority, and volume. Only keywords relevant to the solutions the Furniture Restoration Collective can provide were retained. The authoritative nature of the chosen SEO keywords were considered in terms of delivering high quality informational content to the visitor. Finally, the https://www.wordtracker.com/ tool was used to understand how many times the keyword has been searched for and to get ideas for other popular keywords. The short and long-tail keywords were implemented in the code across the website in elements such as the head meta tags, head title, and headings one to six. Where possible these keywords are integrated into the content. The home page crafter descriptions and customer reviews have important keywords imbedded. The product descriptions also contain short and long-tail keywords. The footer has an external link to the Design and Craft Council of Ireland.

Social Media Strategy

An initial Facebook page was set up for the Furniture Restoration Collective. The content here reflects attempts to support the interests of the customers and potential customers. This Facebook page was deleted before project submission as there was some initial engagement from the general public about the services offered.

Facebook Page Facebook Company Information

The page shows a post with a picture of the products and an invitation to visit the site.

Facebook Product Post

The page also shows a post with a picture of a crafter, a description of their profile, and a link to view their products.

Facebook Profile Post

Email Marketing Strategy

There is an opportunity to signup for the latest news and special offers. The Mailchimp application has been implemented so that email campaigns can be set up and managed.

Mailchimp Newsletter Signup

Content Marketing Strategy

The content marketing strategy will focus on a company blog which will be implemented on the website. It is intended that this will be completed in the next iteration of the website.


The initial scope for this project is documented below in the epics and stories. Each user story has a flag indicating prioritisation and implementation status. There is also a link to each user story in GitHub.

Epics and User Stories

EPIC: Site Landing Page

User Stories:

EPIC: User Authentication

User Stories:

EPIC: Manage Products

User Stories:

EPIC: Product Search and Sort

User Stories:

EPIC: Shopping Cart

User Stories:

EPIC: Quote for Custom Restore

User Stories:

EPIC: Setup UI to Manage Products

User Stories:

EPIC: Crafter Profiles

User Stories:

EPIC: Product Testimonials

User Stories:

EPIC: Blog Posts

User Stories:


The website has 12 key user pages currently. The following pages are open to both registered and non-registered users:

The following pages are open to registered users only:

The following user authentication pages are also currently available:


Desktop Home Page


Desktop Product Page


Desktop Blog Page


Mobile Product Page


Surface Design

The design aims to deliver a website that demonstrates a clear understanding of its purpose. The overall aesthetic is clean and simple and intends to communicate a professional and friendly organisation. The Boutique Ado tutorial was used as the starting point for developing the templates for the project.


The website colours were chosen from a furniture image and then applied to the home page and accross the website.

Furniture Image for Coolors

Coolors Palette


The font family applied for the hero image overlay text is:

font-family: 'Poppins', sans-serif;

The font family applied for the site is:

font-family: -apple-system,BlinkMacSystemFont,"Segoe UI",Roboto,"Helvetica Neue",Arial,"Noto Sans","Liberation Sans",sans-serif,"Apple Color Emoji","Segoe UI Emoji","Segoe UI Symbol","Noto Color Emoji";


The furniture images chosen for the website aim to show that there is a highly skilled professional organisation producing quality restored furniture.


Navigation Bar

The navigation bar is present on all pages. It remains at the top of the page at all times to allow the user to navigate easily around the site. All visitors both registered and unregistered are presented with the navbar.

Navigation Bar

Along with being a marketing tool, the company name or logo serves as a home page link.

Navigation Bar

On mobile and medium screens the home link is present in the dropdown menu.

Navigation Bar

The user can search the site for a specific product using the search feature on the navbar.

Navigation Bar

The products can be sorted by price (high to low or low to high), or by Name, Source, Crafter, or Source (A-Z or Z-A).

Navigation Bar

The Account dropdown offers the unregistered user an opportunity to register or log in.

Navigation Bar

The registered user can review their profile or logout. The site administrator can also open the product management menu so that products can be viewed, added, updated or deleted.

Navigation Bar

The user has an opportunity to select the All Products menu and choose products sorted by price (low to high), category (A-Z), crafter (A-Z), or Source (A-Z), or they can simply browse all products. The products can also be selected from the category menus present on the navbar.

Navigation Bar

The delivery banner is currently being used to communicate a free delivery message.

Navigation Bar


The footer offers the user an opportunity to communicate with the organisation. There are social media links to Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest along with information for email and phone communication. The user can also subscribe to the mailing list to receive product offers and a copy of the newsletter. The subscribe button is emphasised in a bright colour. Having a mailing list of interested visitors and potential customers is a key part of the marketing strategy. The footer also shows that the Furniture Restoration Collective is a member of the Design and Crafts Council of Ireland thus showing that the organisation is authentic.


Home Page

The hero image on the home page shows a restored piece of furniture overlayed with information about the products and restoration services offered. There are also two call-to-action buttons, one to purchase products online and the second to generate a quote to have a furniture piece restored. The call-to-action buttons are shown in bright colours to attract attention and to encourage users to click through to their chosen product or service.

Hero Image

The crafters involved in the Furniture Restoration Collective are key to its success and therefore it is important to give the visitor an insight into who they are and what their specialities are. Their images are shown on the home page along with a brief summary of their backgrounds. Where possible any relevant SEO keywords have been included to improve web ranking.


The home page also shows reviews that have been added by customers. The site administrator has the ability to activate or deactivate a customer review.


User Authentication

A visitor wishing to register can signup by selecting the Register button from the Account dropdown menu. A valid email address must be entered on the signup screen.


The password entered must meet minimum security criteria.


An account verification email message will be sent to the new user to complete the registration.


The user profile view allows the user to add a review, add or update their delivery information, or view their orders to date.


The review form allows the user to enter free text and then select a crafter from the list.


Once the user has finished using the site they can select the Logout option from the Account menu.



When the user clicks on the shop online now button or selects products from the navbar dropdown menus, they are brought to the products page. Here each product has a product image, name, price, the category it belongs to and the crafter name. Both the category can be selected to show the products in that category. Likewise, the crafter can be selected and the products they have restored will be shown. The user can then click on the product image to view the product detail.


The product detail shows a detailed description of the product, a quantity selection option, and additional information about the crafter. From here the user can choose to add the product to their bag, keep shopping, or use the navbar or footer options.


Restoration Quotation

When the user clicks on the get a quote button they are brought to the quotation page. Here the user can select the category and subcategory based on the furniture restoration project they have in mind. They will then receive a quotation for the project and have the option get the quote detail.


The quotation detail shows further information about the quotation in terms of assumptions, transport details, and timing. Should the user wish to proceed with the restoration work, they can add the service to their bag.

Quotation Detail


The shopping bag detail shows the list of products with product name, image, price, and subtotal (in case there are multiple items selected). Also, there is a bag total, any delivery charges, and a grand total. The user at this point can decide to progress to the checkout or continue shipping.

Shopping Bag


At the checkout, the user is presented with a summary of the order and a form containing any current known information about the customer. If the user has an account and is logged in, they will be presented with their account information. There will be a checkbox that can be unchecked if they do not want any changed information saved to their profile. If the user does not have an account they will be redirected to the login page where they also have the option to register on the site.


The user then enters their card details at checkout and can complete the order.


Once the payment has been processed, the success page shows the transaction details.


An email with a summary of the order is also sent to the customer.

Future Features

The following features will be delivered in future iterations of the project.

Technologies Used






Manual Testing

User Story Testing __EPIC: Site Landing Page__ User Stories: As a site visitor, I can access the landing page so that I can understand the purpose of the site and take appropriate actions (must-have/complete) #34 To start testing, complete the following steps: 1. Copy the web address https://furniture-restoration.herokuapp.com/ into the browser address bar Testing procedure: 1. Open the page for the E-Commerce website of Furniture Restoration Collective Expected Result: The landing page displays the E-Commerce website for Furniture Restoration Collective Actual Result: The landing page displays the E-Commerce website for Furniture Restoration Collective --- __EPIC: User Authentication__ User Stories: As a site visitor, I can register on the site so that I can access the site services and view my profile (must-have/complete) #1 As a registered user, I can trigger an email confirmation after registration so that I understand that my account is registration is complete (must-have/complete) #2 To start testing, complete the following steps: 1. Got to web address https://furniture-restoration.herokuapp.com/ 2. Find the Account icon in the top right corner Testing procedure: 1. Click on the Account icon 2. Click on Register 3. Complete the Sign-Up form by entering an email address, username and password 4. Click on Sign Up 5. Check the email account (entered in the Sign Up) for a message asking to confirm the email address ![Signup Confirm Email](/documentation/screenshots/confirm-email.png) 6. Click on the link in the Email message and confirm that the email address is the correct one for the account 7. The user is brought to the Sign In page Expected Result: The user can sign in and open their profile from the Account menu Actual Result: The user can sign in and open their profile from the Account menu --- As a registered user, I can log in and logout of my account so that I can access my account information (must-have/complete) #3 Testing procedure: 1. Click on the Account icon 2. Click on Login 3. Enter the username or email address, and password 4. Click on Sign In 5. Click on the Account icon Expected Result: The Profile option is present on the Account dropdown Actual Result: The Profile option is present on the Account dropdown --- As a registered user, I can view my profile so that I can review my purchase history (must-have/complete) #4 Testing procedure: 1. Click on the Account icon 2. Click on Login 3. Enter the username or email address and password 4. Click on Sign In 5. Click on the Account icon 6. Select the Profile option 7. Once the profile opens, find the order history heading on the profile page Expected Result: Any previous purchases are listed in the order history Actual Result: Any previous purchases are listed in the order history ![Order List in Profile](/documentation/screenshots/order-history-in-profile.png) --- __EPIC: Manage Products__ User Stories: To prepare for testing, complete the following steps: 1. Got to web address https://furniture-restoration.herokuapp.com/admin 2. Login using the administrator account 3. Select Products under the Products app 4. A list of products will be shown As a shop owner, I can view products so that I can see what is available in my store currently (must-have/complete) #7 Testing procedure: 1. Click on the SKU from the product list Expected Result: The product details are shown. Actual Result: The category dropdown does not show all categories. Only sofas and chairs are shown. Pass/Fail: Fail Action: Removed the limit choices parameter from the category field in the products table. This was initially set when configuring the dropdown menus for the quotation form. See commit number [9b7bf5c](https://github.com/teresabowe/furniture-restoration-collective/commit/9b7bf5cbd7576dd8dc0608f9a51480ab2adb0945). Pass/Fail: Pass --- As a shop owner, I can add products so that I can keep my store up to date with available products (must-have/complete) #6 1. With the product list open, click on the add product button in the top right corner 2. Add the data to the fields 3. Click on the save button ![Admin UI Add a Product](/documentation/screenshots/admin-ui-add-a-product.png) Expected Result: The product is added to the product list. Actual Result: The product is added to the product list. Pass/Fail: Pass --- As a shop owner, I can update products so that I can ensure the latest product information is shared with customers (must-have/complete) #8 1. With the product list open, click on the SKU button 2. Update te required fields 3. Click on the save button Expected Result: The product is updated. Actual Result: The product is updated. Pass/Fail: Pass --- As a shop owner, I can delete products so that I can ensure the product inventory is up to date (must-have/complete) #9 1. With the product list open, click on the SKU button 2. Click on the delete button 3. Click Yes, I'm sure Expected Result: The product is deleted. Actual Result: The product is deleted. Pass/Fail: Pass --- As a shopper, I can view product details so that I can review the price, and description, understand the background of the product, learn about the craftsperson, and view the product image (must-have/complete) #11 Shop Online Now - Product Detail 1. Click on the Shop Online Now button from the landing page 2. Choose a product by clicking on an image 3. The product detail page will show the name, price, category, who the crafter was, description, quantity selector, an option to add the product to the bag or continue shopping, and finally more information about the crafter is at the bottom of this page. ![Product Detail Page Testing](/documentation/screenshots/product-detail-testing.png) Expected Result: The product detail is shown. Actual Result: The product detail is shown. Pass/Fail: Pass Get a Quote - Product Detail 1. Click on the Get a Quote button from the landing page 2. Complete the Quotation Form 3. The detail page will show the name, price, category, quote description, quantity selector, an option to add the quote to the bag or continue shopping, and finally more information about the restoration process at the bottom of this page. Expected Result: The quote detail is shown. Actual Result: The quote detail is shown. Pass/Fail: Pass --- As a shopper, I can view the shopping basket total so that I can see how much I need to pay (must-have/complete) #13 1. Add a product or quote to the shopping basket or bag 2. Click on the shopping basket on the top right of the navbar 3. The shopping basket will show the total for each item and also the grand total for all items in the basket Expected Result: The basket grand total is shown. Actual Result: The basket grand total is shown. Pass/Fail: Pass --- EPIC: Product Search and Sort User Stories: As a shopper, I can search for a product by name or description so that I can find what I need to purchase (must-have/complete) #14 1. Got to web address https://furniture-restoration.herokuapp.com/ 2. Enter a search term e.g. dining ![Product Search Testing](/documentation/screenshots/search-box.png) 3. The products with the search term included in either their name or description will be shown. Expected Result: The products with the search term included in either their name or description will be shown. Actual Result: The products with the search term included in either their name or description are shown. Pass/Fail: Pass --- As a shopper, I can sort products by price and name so that I can find the most appropriately priced product for my needs or find by name (must-have/complete) #15 1. Got to web address https://furniture-restoration.herokuapp.com/ 2. Select All Products from the navbar 3. Select All Products from the dropdown menu 4. Click on the sort dropdown menu on the top right corner of the products page ![Product Sort Testing](/documentation/screenshots/product-sort-testing.png) 5. Select sort by price low to high 6. Check the sort order of the products with the lowest price showing as the first product 7. Select the sort by name A-Z 8. Check the sort order of the products with the product name closest to A showing as the first product Expected Result: The products can be sorted by price and name. Actual Result: The products can be sorted by price and name. Pass/Fail: Pass --- As a shopper, I can sort a selected category of product by price and name so that I can find the most appropriately priced product for my needs or find by name for the selected category (must-have/complete) #16 1. Got to web address https://furniture-restoration.herokuapp.com/ 2. Select Dining from the navbar 3. Select Chairs from the dropdown menu 4. Click on the sort dropdown menu on the top right corner of the products page 5. Select sort by price low to high 6. Check the sort order of the products with the lowest price showing as the first product 7. Select the sort by name A-Z 8. Check the sort order of the products with the product name closest to A showing as the first product Expected Result: The selected category products can be sorted by price and name. Actual Result: The selected category products can be sorted by price and name. Pass/Fail: Pass --- EPIC: Shopping Cart User Stories: As a shopper, I can view items in the shopping cart so that I can view the total amount due and a list of items I am purchasing (must-have/complete) #17 1. From the product detail pages, add two products to the shopping cart 2. Click on the shopping cart in the top right corner of the navbar ![Shopping Bag Grand Total](/documentation/screenshots/shopping-bag-grandtotal.png) Expected Result: The total amount due and the list of items is shown. Actual Result: The total amount due and the list of items is shown. Pass/Fail: Pass --- As a shopper, I can enter payment details so that I can checkout as quickly and securely as possible (must-have/complete) #18 1. Click on secure checkout on the shopping cart menu 2. Complete the fields on the form and then enter the credit card details 3. Click on Complete Order ![Shopping Bag Grand Total](/documentation/screenshots/checkout-secure-payment.png) Expected Result: The user can checkout as quickly and securely as possible. Actual Result: The user can checkout as quickly and securely as possible. Pass/Fail: Pass --- As a shopper, I can view order confirmation so that I can check that I have made the correct purchase (must-have/complete) #19 1. Once the Complete Order is pressed, the order confirmation is shown Expected Result: The correct purchase was made. Actual Result: The correct purchase was made. Pass/Fail: Pass --- As a shopper, I can receive an email to confirm the purchase is complete so that I can have my record of the transaction (must-have/complete) #20 1. Once the Order Confirmation is shown the user will receive an email confirming the order number ![Success](/documentation/screenshots/order-confirmation-email.png) Expected Result: The user receives an email confirming that purchase was made. Actual Result: The user receives an email confirming that purchase was made. Pass/Fail: Pass --- EPIC: Quote for Custom Restore User Stories: As a site visitor, I can get a quotation so that I can find out the cost of my restoration project (must-have/complete) #35 1. Click on the Get a Quote button from the landing page 2. Complete the Quotation Form using the dropdown menus 3. Click on Get Quote Detail Expected Result: The quotation form is completed and the quote detail is shown. Actual Result: The quotation form is completed and the quote detail is shown. Pass/Fail: Pass Note: When designing the form at the outset, the remove limit choices for the category field in the product model was set so that the choices of only sofas and chairs would be available on the form. While this worked for the quotation form, adding products on the product admin and the product management UI was an issue as not all categories were available. The limit choices parameter was removed and now at the time of writing, all categories are showing in the quotation field. --- EPIC: Setup UI to Manage Products User Stories: - As a shop owner, I can add products in user interface so that I can easily keep my store up to date with available products (should-have/complete) #31 1. Log in as an administrator to the site 2. Click on the Product Management menu ![Add a Product](/documentation/screenshots/add-a-product.png) 3. Complete the form including the upload of a product image 4. Click Add Product Expected Result: The new product is listed on the product list. Actual Result: The new product is listed on the product list. Pass/Fail: Pass --- As a shop owner, I can delete products from the user interface so that I can ensure the product inventory is up to date (should-have/complete) #32 1. Log in as an administrator to the site 2. Click on the Product Management menu ![Product List](/documentation/screenshots/product-list.png) 3. Click on the red delete icon beside the product to be deleted Expected Result: The item is deleted and no longer listed on the product list. Actual Result: The item is deleted and no longer listed on the product list. Pass/Fail: Pass --- As a shop owner, I can view products in User Interface so that I can review the price, and description, understand the background of the product, learn about the craftsperson, and view the product image (should-have/complete) #33 1. Log in as an administrator to the site 2. Click on the Product Management menu 3. Click on the orange view icon beside the product to be viewed Expected Result: The product details can be viewed. Actual Result: The product details can be viewed. Pass/Fail: Pass --- - As a shop owner, I can edit products in user interface so that I can easily keep my store up to date with available products (should-have/complete) #36 1. Log in as an administrator to the site 2. Click on the Product Management menu 3. Click on the blue edit icon beside the product to be edited 4. Edit the product 5. Click on the Update Product button Expected Result: The product details can be updated. Actual Result: The product details can be updated. Pass/Fail: Pass --- EPIC: Crafter Profiles User Stories: As a shop owner, I can add a crafter profile so that I can record information about the crafter community (could-have/complete) #25 1. Log in as an administrator to the site 2. Goto https://furniture-restoration.herokuapp.com/admin to open the site administration application 3. Click on Crafters inside the Products app where a list of crafters will be shown 4. To add a crafter, click on add crafter in the top right corner 5. Complete the form and click Save ![Add a Crafter](/documentation/screenshots/add-crafter.png) Expected Result: The new crafter is shown on the crafter list. Actual Result: The new crafter is shown on the crafter list. Pass/Fail: Pass --- As a shop owner, I can view a crafter profile so that I can ensure the crafter profile is up to date (could-have/complete) #26 As a shop owner, I can update a crafter profile so that I can keep the crafter profile up to date (could-have/complete) #27 As a shop owner, I can delete a crafter profile so that I can remove a crafter profile that is no longer relevant (could-have/complete) #28 1. Log in as an administrator to the site 2. Goto https://furniture-restoration.herokuapp.com/admin to open the site administration application 3. Click on Crafters inside the Products app where a list of crafters will be shown 4. To view, update, or delete a crafter, click on first name of the crafter 5. The details will be shown and there will be an option to change the record and save, view the record, or delete it. ![View, Update or Delete a Crafter](/documentation/screenshots/update-or-view-crafter.png) Expected Result: The new crafter is shown on the crafter list. Actual Result: The new crafter is shown on the crafter list. Pass/Fail: Pass --- EPIC: Product Testimonials User Stories: As a shopper, I can add a product testimonial so that I can give product feedback (could-have/complete) #29 1. Login as a registered user to the site 2. Click on the Account menu 2. Click on the Profile menu item 3. Choose the plus symbol beside the text "We would love to hear any feedback you may have! Please add your comments here." 4. The product review form opens and the user can complete the form and add the review Expected Result: The review form is completed and submitted. Actual Result: The review form is completed and submitted. Pass/Fail: Pass --- As a shop owner, I can post a product testimonial on the home page so that I can share product feedback (could-have/complete) #30 1. Got to web address https://furniture-restoration.herokuapp.com/admin 2. Login using the administrator account 3. Select Reviewss under the Products app 4. A list of reviews will be shown 5. THe administrator can click on the review text and choose whether to activate it or not. By default, the reviews are not active when posted by the user. ![Activate a Review](/documentation/screenshots/product-review-activation.png) Expected Result: The review can be shared as product feedback. Actual Result: The review can be shared as product feedback. Pass/Fail: Pass ---
Features Testing A 404 Error Page is loaded when a page does not exist. 1. Got to web address https://furniture-restoration.herokuapp.com/asd ![404 Error Page](/documentation/screenshots/404-error-page.png) Expected Result: The 404 error page is loaded with a link to the Furniture Restoration Collective home page. Actual Result: The 404 error page is loaded with a link to the Furniture Restoration Collective home page. Pass/Fail: Pass --- When the logo Furniture Restoration Collective is clicked from any page on the Desktop the user is redirected to the home page 1. Got to web address https://furniture-restoration.herokuapp.com/products 2. Click on the Furniture Restoration Collective logo Expected Result: The user is redirected to the Furniture Restoration Collective home page. Actual Result: The user is redirected to the Furniture Restoration Collective home page. Pass/Fail: Pass --- When the logo Furniture Restoration Collective is clicked from any page on Mobile the user is redirected to the home page 1. Got to web address https://furniture-restoration.herokuapp.com/products 2. Click on the hamburger icon in the top left corner and choose Home Expected Result: The user is redirected to the Furniture Restoration Collective home page. Actual Result: The user is redirected to the Furniture Restoration Collective home page. Pass/Fail: Pass --- The social media links will load the correct website. 1. Got to web address https://furniture-restoration.herokuapp.com 2. Go to the bottom of the page and click on each of the Social links Expected Result: A new page is opened and the social media page is shown. Actual Result: A new page is opened and the social media page is shown. Pass/Fail: Pass --- The subscription signup is functioning. 1. Got to web address https://furniture-restoration.herokuapp.com 2. Go to the bottom of the page and enter the email address into the input field in the subscription section Expected Result: The user receives a "Thank you for subscribing!" message and the email address is listed in the Mailchimp Audience. Actual Result: The user receives a "Thank you for subscribing!" message and the email address is listed in the Mailchimp Audience. Pass/Fail: Pass ___
Browser Testing The site was developed using Google Chrome Version Version 112.0.5615.138 (Official Build) (64-bit). It was also tested on Version 112.0.1722.64 (Official build) (64-bit) and Firefox Browser 112.0.2 (64-bit). There are no current issues.
Responsiveness Testing The Chrome Developer Tool was used to check responsiveness as the application was being developed. The following devices were also used to check responsiveness. - iPhone 13, iOS Version 16.3.1 - Redmi Note 9, Android Version SP1A.210812.016 - HP Pavillion Laptop Windows 11 Home 22H2 with 15" screen and Acer KG271 27" monitor

Validator Testing

HTML Testing The URLs below were copied to the Nu Html Checker. A the time of writing this readme file, there were no errors showing. - https://furniture-restoration.herokuapp.com/ - https://furniture-restoration.herokuapp.com/products/ - https://furniture-restoration.herokuapp.com/products/1/ - https://furniture-restoration.herokuapp.com/bag/ - https://furniture-restoration.herokuapp.com/checkout/ - https://furniture-restoration.herokuapp.com/checkout/checkout_success/50D7F6463E754B898EA73A63FF59D779 - https://furniture-restoration.herokuapp.com/products/quote/ - https://furniture-restoration.herokuapp.com/products/list/ - https://furniture-restoration.herokuapp.com/products/view/1/ - https://furniture-restoration.herokuapp.com/products/edit/1/ - https://furniture-restoration.herokuapp.com/products/add/ - https://furniture-restoration.herokuapp.com/accounts/logout/ - https://furniture-restoration.herokuapp.com/accounts/signup/ - https://furniture-restoration.herokuapp.com/accounts/logout/ - https://furniture-restoration.herokuapp.com/accounts/confirm-email/ - https://furniture-restoration.herokuapp.com/accounts/confirm-email/MTI:1pst2s:RYM3vImn43D1SeCCptWkZ1NutTWYk4kKrcTbdtDoXcU/ - https://furniture-restoration.herokuapp.com/accounts/login/ - https://furniture-restoration.herokuapp.com/profile/ - https://furniture-restoration.herokuapp.com/products/review/ The main issue found with the HTML checker was with the navbar. The error is shown below. The solution was to add a ul element in the mobile-top-header.html. ![Navbar Error](/documentation/screenshots/html-code-validation-error.png) ![Navbar Clear of Error](/documentation/screenshots/html-code-validation-clear.png)
CSS Testing The W3C CSS validator currently shows no errors. - base.css - checkout.css - profile.css ![CSS Clear of Error](/documentation/screenshots/css-code-validation-clear.png)
Python Testing The PEP8 standards for Python were checked using CI Python Linter. __Bag App__ - bag_tools.py - admin.py - apps.py - contexts.py - tests.py - models.py - urls.py - views.py All of the above files show no test errors. __Checkout App__ - admin.py - apps.py - forms.py - models.py - signals.py - test.py - urls.py - views.py All of the above tests show no errors with the exception of models.py. Adjusting the Line too long on lines 46 and 48 had an adverse effect on checkout functionality during testing. The error after removing the line too long error: TypeError at /checkout/ '<' not supported between instances of 'method' and 'int' These lines still show a line too long error in this release of the application. __Furniture Restoration__ - asgi.py - settings.py - urls.py - wsgi.py All of the above tests show no errors except for settings.py. These errors were related to the password validators. ![Settings.py Validation](/documentation/screenshots/python-code-validation-settings.png) __Home App__ - admin.py - apps.py - models.py - tests.py - urls.py - views.py All of the above files show no test errors. __Products App__ - admin.py - apps.py - forms.py - models.py - tests.py - urls.py - views.py - widgets.py All of the above files show no test errors. __Profiles App__ - admin.py - apps.py - forms.py - models.py - tests.py - urls.py - views.py All of the above files show no test errors. __Root Furniture Restoration Collective__ - custom_storages.py - env.py - manage.py All of the above files show no test errors.
Javascript Testing Javascript was tested using JS Hint. stripe_elements.js - The check is clear with the exception of one undefined variable of "Stripe" however this is from another script. countryfield.js - The check is currently clear.
Lighthouse Testing Desktop ![Desktop Lighthouse Testing](/documentation/screenshots/lighthouse-desktop.png) Mobile ![Mobile Lighthouse Testing](/documentation/screenshots/lighthouse-mobile.png)

Bugs and Fixes


Elephant SQL - Log in to ElephantSQL.com to access the dashboard - Click “Create New Instance”, Give the plan a Name, Select the Tiny Turtle (Free) plan, Leave the Tags field blank - Select “Select Region”, select a datacenter - Then click “Review” - Check the details are correct and then click “Create instance” - Return to the ElephantSQL dashboard and click on the database instance name for this project - In the URL section, clicking the copy icon will copy the database URL to the clipboard
Create a new Heroku app - Click New to create a new app - Give the app a name and select the region . When done, click Create app to confirm - Open the Settings tab - Add the config var DATABASE_URL, and for the value, copy in the database url from ElephantSQL
Project preparation in Gitpod - In the terminal, install dj_database_url and psycopg2, both of these are needed to connect to the external database. pip3 install dj_database_url==0.5.0 psycopg2 - Update the requirements.txt file with the newly installed packages, pip freeze > requirements.txt - In the settings.py file, import dj_database_url underneath the import for os import os import dj_database_url - Scroll to the DATABASES section and update it to the following code, so that the original connection to sqlite3 is commented - out and connect to the new ElephantSQL database instead. - Paste in the ElephantSQL database URL in the position indicated DATABASES = { 'default': dj_database_url.parse('your-database-url-here') } - In the terminal, run the showmigrations command to confirm the connection to the external database python3 manage.py showmigrations - If connected there will be a list of all migrations, but none of them are checked off - Migrate the database models to the new database python3 manage.py migrate - Load in the fixtures. Please note the order is very important here. Load the categories, subcategories, crafters and sources first, then products, as the products require a category to be set - Create a superuser for the new database python3 manage.py createsuperuser - Finally, to prevent exposing the database when there is a push to GitHub, delete it from the settings.py. It can be setup up again using an environment variable. Reconnect to the local sqlite database. DATABASES = { 'default': { 'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.sqlite3', 'NAME': BASE_DIR / 'db.sqlite3', } }
Confirming the Elephant SQL database - On the ElephantSQL page for the database, in the left side navigation, select “BROWSER” - Click the Table queries button, select auth_user - When “Execute” is clicked, the newly created superuser details are displayed. This confirms the tables have been created and data can be added to the database
Deploying to Heroku - Add the following if statement to settings.py So the database URL wouldn't end up in version control let's use an if statement in settings.py so that when our app is running on Heroku where the database URL environment variable will be defined we connect to Postgres and otherwise, we connect to SQLite. if 'DATABASE_URL' in os.environ: DATABASES = { 'default': dj_database_url.parse(os.environ.get('DATABASE_URL')) } else: DATABASES = { 'default': { 'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.sqlite3', 'NAME': BASE_DIR / 'db.sqlite3', } } - Next, install gunicorn pip3 install gunicorn - Create a Procfile - Right click on the app name e.g. furniture-restoration and create a new file called Procfile - Enter the following details in line 1: web: gunicorn furniture_restoration.wsgi:application - Commit and push the changes to gitpod as normal - Login to Heroku from the command line - Enter Heroku login -i - Enter the email address to log in to Heroku - The login in credentials to be entered here may differ. If MFA/2FA is enabled, the account login name and Heroku API key are required. - If needed get a list of the apps on Heroku by entering "heroku apps" at the command line. - To initialise remote enter heroku git:remote -a - To push to Heroku enter git push heroku main - Go to Deploy in the Heroku App - Choose Github as the deployment method - Connect to the Github repository - Set to automatically deploy to Heroku - Make the following changes in settings.py # SECURITY WARNING: keep the secret key used in production secret! SECRET_KEY = os.environ.get('SECRET_KEY', '') # SECURITY WARNING: don't run with debug turned on in production! DEBUG = 'DEVELOPMENT' in os.environ - Commit and push the changes to gitpod as normal and then check the build status in Heroku overview page.
Create an AWS Account - Go to aws.amazon.com and create a new Amazon account. - When complete go to the "Console Home" on AWS - From there select S3 to create an S3 bucket - Select "Create Bucket" on the top right corner - Add the name of the application e.g. furniture-restoration - Select the region closest - Check on "ACLs enabled" - Check on "Bucket Owner Preferred" - Uncheck "Block all public access" - Check on the ackknowledgement that the bucket will be public - Go to the bottom of the page and select "Create Bucket" - Select Properties and go to the bottom of the page and select "Static Website Hosting" - Enter index.html in the index document field - Enter error.html in the error document field - Click "Save Changes" - Go to permissions and then Bucket Policy - Click on edit - Copy the ARN reference at the top of this window - Then click the Policy Generator on the top right corner - The Type of Policy is S3 Bucket Policy - Add a * to the Principal field - Choose "GetObject" from the Actions field - Paste in the ARN reference into the ARN field - Click Add Statement and then Generate Policy - Copy the policy into the Bucket Policy Editor - It should look something like this: { "Version": "2012-10-17", "Id": "Policy1680546805871", "Statement": [ { "Sid": "Stmt1680546797613", "Effect": "Allow", "Principal": "*", "Action": "s3:GetObject", "Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::furniture-restoration/*" } ] } Note that there is a /* added to the Resource key. This must be added manually before saving the policy. For the Access control list (ACL) section, click edit and enable List for Everyone (public access).
Setup an AWS group - Select the AWS IAM Access Analyzer for S3 - Click on User Groups in the laft pane - Select Create Group - Enter the group name e.g. manage-furniture-restoration - Under "Attach permissions policies" select "create policy" - Select the json tab and "import managed policy" - Choose S3 - The code should be update with the ARN previously used and should look like this when complete: { "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Effect": "Allow", "Action": [ "s3:*", "s3-object-lambda:*" ], "Resource": [ "arn:aws:s3:::furniture-restoration", "arn:aws:s3:::furniture-restoration/*" ] } ] } - Click next on tags - Click "Review Policy" - Add a name and description - Click "Create Policy" - Go back to the IAM Create Group page - Click on the new policy - Then "Create Group"
Setup an AWS User - Select the AWS IAM Access Analyzer for S3 - Click on Add Users - Enter the user name e.g. furniture-restoration-staticfiles-user - Click Next - Select the group name from the list presented e.g. manage-furniture-restoration - Then "Create User" - To download the access keys, click on the Users tab again and the user - Click on the Access Credentials tab and then find the "Create Access Key" button - The access keys can be generated and downloaded from here
Connect to AWS - Run the following from the command line: pip install boto3 pip install django-storages pip freeze > requirements.txt - Add the storages app to the apps in settings.py - Make the following additions to settings.py (add after MEDIA_ROOT settings) and replacing the bucket name and the region name with the appropriate settings. if 'USE_AWS' in os.environ: # Bucket Config AWS_STORAGE_BUCKET_NAME = 'furniture-restoration' AWS_S3_REGION_NAME = 'eu-west-1' AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID = os.environ.get('AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID') AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY = os.environ.get('AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY') AWS_S3_CUSTOM_DOMAIN = f'{AWS_STORAGE_BUCKET_NAME}.s3.amazonaws.com' # Static and media files STATICFILES_STORAGE = 'custom_storages.StaticStorage' STATICFILES_LOCATION = 'static' DEFAULT_FILE_STORAGE = 'custom_storages.MediaStorage' MEDIAFILES_LOCATION = 'media' # Override static and media URLs in production STATIC_URL = f'https://{AWS_S3_CUSTOM_DOMAIN}/{STATICFILES_LOCATION}/' MEDIA_URL = f'https://{AWS_S3_CUSTOM_DOMAIN}/{MEDIAFILES_LOCATION}/' - Go to Heroku. - Remove DISABLECOLLECTSTATIC frm the config vars - Add the AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and the AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY (previously downloaded from AWS) - Create a custom_storages.py file in the root of the project on Gitpod - Add the following code: from django.conf import settings from storages.backends.s3boto3 import S3Boto3Storage class StaticStorage(S3Boto3Storage): location = settings.STATICFILES_LOCATION class MediaStorage(S3Boto3Storage): location = settings.MEDIAFILES_LOCATION - Commit and Push the changes as normal - Check the deployment log on Heroku and also the S3 bucket on AWS. The static files should be located there after the deployment is complete. - For cache control to improve performance, add the following code at the top of the "if 'USE_AWS' in os.environ:" in settings.py # Cache control AWS_S3_OBJECT_PARAMETERS = { 'Expires': 'Thu, 31 Dec 2099 20:00:00 GMT', 'CacheControl': 'max-age=94608000', }
Copy Static Files to AWS - Go to the new S3 bucket and create a new folder called media - Select Upload - Go to the location of the images and select the images already used on the website - Under "Permissions" select "Grant public-read access" - Click Next to the end



