terraform-aviatrix-modules / terraform-aviatrix-azure-transit-firenet

This module deploys a VNET, Aviatrix transit gateways and firewall instances.
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Aviatrix Transit Firenet for Azure


This module deploys a VNET, Aviatrix transit gateways (HA), and firewall instances.


Module version Terraform version Controller version Terraform provider version
v5.0.1 0.13 - 1.x >=6.6 2.21.0-6.6.ga
v5.0.0 0.13 - 1.x >=6.6 2.21.0-6.6.ga - Pulled because of bug.
v4.0.3 0.13 + 0.14 >=6.4 >=0.2.19
v4.0.0 0.13 + 0.14 >=6.4 >=0.2.19

*Information on older releases can be found in respective release notes.


Usage Example

Examples shown below are specific to each vendor.

Palo Alto Networks

module "transit_firenet_1" {
  source                 = "terraform-aviatrix-modules/azure-transit-firenet/aviatrix"
  version                = "v5.0.1"
  cidr                   = ""
  region                 = "East US"
  account                = "Azure"
  firewall_image         = "Palo Alto Networks VM-Series Next-Generation Firewall Bundle 1"
  firewall_image_version = "9.1.0"

Check Point

module "transit_firenet_1" {
  source                 = "terraform-aviatrix-modules/azure-transit-firenet/aviatrix"
  version                = "v5.0.1"
  cidr                   = ""
  region                 = "East US"
  account                = "Azure"
  firewall_image         = "Check Point CloudGuard IaaS Single Gateway R80.40 - Bring Your Own License" 
  firewall_image_version = "8040.900294.0593"


module "transit_firenet_1" {
  source                 = "terraform-aviatrix-modules/azure-transit-firenet/aviatrix"
  version                = "v5.0.1"
  cidr                   = ""
  region                 = "East US"
  account                = "Azure"
  firewall_image         = "Fortinet FortiGate (BYOL) Next-Generation Firewall"
  firewall_image_version = "6.4.1"


The following variables are required:

key value
region Azure region to deploy the transit VNET in
account The Azure access account on the Aviatrix controller, under which the controller will deploy this VNET
cidr The IP CIDR wo be used to create the VNET
firewall_image String for the firewall image to use (Optional when deploy_firenet = false)
firewall_image_version The firewall image version specific to the NGFW vendor image (Optional when choosing Aviatrix FQDN egress or when deploy_firenet = false)

Firewall images

Palo Alto Networks VM-Series Next-Generation Firewall Bundle 1 
Check Point CloudGuard IaaS Single Gateway R80.40 - Bring Your Own License
Fortinet FortiGate (BYOL) Next-Generation Firewall
Aviatrix FQDN Egress Filtering

Firewall image versions tested

Palo Alto Networks - 9.1.0
Check Point        - 8040.900294.0593
Fortinet           - 6.4.1

The following variables are optional:

key default value
attached true Attach firewall instances to Aviatrix Gateways
az_support true Set to false if the Azure region does not support Availability Zones.
az1 az-1 AZ Zone to be used for Transit GW + NGFW deployment.
az2 az-2 AZ Zone to be used for HA Transit GW + HA NGFW deployment.
bgp_ecmp  false  Enable Equal Cost Multi Path (ECMP) routing for the next hop
bgp_manual_spoke_advertise_cidrs Intended CIDR list to advertise via BGP. Example: ","
bgp_polling_time 50  BGP route polling time. Unit is in seconds
bootstrap_storage_name_1 null Storagename to get bootstrap files from (PANW only). (If bootstrap_storage_name_2 is not set, this will used for all NGFW instances)
bootstrap_storage_name_2 null Storagename to get bootstrap files from (PANW only) (Only used when HA FW instance is deployed)
connected_transit true Set to false to disable connected_transit
custom_fw_names [] If set, the NGFW instances will be deployed with the names provided in this list. First half of the list for instances in az1, second half for az2.
deploy_firenet true Set to false to only deploy the Transit, but without the actual NGFW instances and Firenet settings (e.g. if you want to deploy that later or manually).
east_west_inspection_excluded_cidrs Network List Excluded From East-West Inspection.
egress_enabled false Set to true to enable egress inspection on the firewall instances
egress_static_cidrs [] List of egress static CIDRs. Egress is required to be enabled. Example: ["", ""].
enable_advertise_transit_cidr  false  Switch to enable/disable advertise transit VPC network CIDR for a VGW connection
enable_bgp_over_lan false Enable BGp over LAN. Creates eth4 for integration with SDWAN for example
enable_egress_transit_firenet false Set to true to enable egress on transit gw
enable_egress_transit_firenet false Switch to true to enable egress on the transit firenet.
enable_multi_tier_transit false Switch to enable multi tier transit
enable_segmentation false Switch to true to enable transit segmentation
fail_close_enabled Set to true to enable fail close
file_share_folder_1 null Name of the folder containing the bootstrap files (PANW only) (If file_share_folder_2 is not set, this will used for all NGFW instances)
file_share_folder_2 null Name of the folder containing the bootstrap files (PANW only) (Only used when HA FW instance is deployed)
firewall_image_id Custom Firewall image ID.
firewall_username fwadmin Default username for administrative account on the firewall. For Check Point firewalls it will always default to admin. Admin is not allowed for other image types. Should not contain special chars.
fw_amount 2 The amount of NGFW instances to deploy. These will be deployed accross multiple AZ's. Amount must be even and only applies to when ha_gw enabled.
fw_instance_size Standard_D3_v2 Size of the firewall instances
fw_tags null Map of tags to assign to the firewall or FQDN egress gw's.
gov false Set to true if deploying this module in Azure GOV.
ha_gw true Set to false to deploy single Aviatrix gateway. When set to false, fw_amount is ignored and only a single NGFW instance is deployed.
insane_instance_size Standard_D3_v2 Instance size used when insane mode is enabled.
insane_mode false Set to true to enable Aviatrix insane mode high-performance encryption
inspection_enabled true Set to false to disable inspection on the firewall instances
instance_size Standard_B2ms Size of the transit gateway instances. Insane mode requires a minimum Standard_D3_v2 instance size
learned_cidr_approval false Switch to true to enable learned CIDR approval
learned_cidrs_approval_mode Learned cidrs approval mode. Defaults to Gateway. Valid values: gateway, connection
local_as_number Changes the Aviatrix Transit Gateway ASN number before you setup Aviatrix Transit Gateway connection configurations.
name null When this string is set, user defined name is applied to all infrastructure supporting n+1 sets within a same region or other customization
password Aviatrix#1234 Default initial password for firewall instances
prefix true Boolean to enable prefix name with avx-
resource_group null Provide the name of an existing resource group.
single_az_ha true Set to false if Controller managed Gateway HA is desired
single_ip_snat  false  Enable single_ip mode Source NAT for this container
storage_access_key_1 null Storage_access_key to access bootstrap storage (PANW only) (If storage_access_key_2 is not set, this will used for all NGFW instances)
storage_access_key_2 null Storage_access_key to access bootstrap storage (PANW only) (Only used when HA FW instance is deployed)
suffix true Boolean to enable suffix name with -firenet
tags null Map of tags to assign to the gateway.
tunnel_detection_time null The IPsec tunnel down detection time for the Spoke Gateway in seconds. Must be a number in the range [20-600]. Default is 60.
user_data_1 User data for bootstrapping Fortigate and Checkpoint firewalls. (If user_data_2 is not set, this will used for all NGFW instances)
user_data_2 User data for bootstrapping Fortigate and Checkpoint firewalls. (Only used if 2 or more FW instances are deployed, e.g. when ha_gw is true. Applies to "even" fw instances (2,4,6 etc))


This module will return the following objects:

key description
vnet The created VNET as an object with all of it's attributes. This was created using the aviatrix_vpc resource.
transit_gateway The created Aviatrix transit gateway as an object with all of it's attributes.
aviatrix_firenet The created Aviatrix firenet object with all of it's attributes.
aviatrix_firewall_instance A list of the created firewall instances and their attributes.
azure_rg The name of the Azure resource group that the Aviatrix infrastructure created in
azure_vnet_name The name of the Azure vnet created