tersiswilvin / Roblox-2019-Old-Theme

Repository for the Roblox Legacy Old Theme.
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Roblox Legacy Old Theme

Roblox Legacy Old Theme is a theme for stylus (see Installation for installation details) that brings back the 2019 theme primarily from June - September 2019 with customizable options for the end user.

Roblox Legacy Old Theme Preview



If you don't have stylus already installed, you can get it here for your browser :

  1. To install stylus, click the blue "Install/Get/Add" button, if you get a popup prompting to install stylus click "Add" (if you get another popup that it was successful click okay or the X button).
  2. Once stylus is installed on your browser go to this page, on the themes page click the blue "Install" button which should take you to the Install page, here you can customize the theme to your choosing (if you do not see the customization options on the right, click the gear icon next to the gray "Install" button), once done, click the gray "Install Style" button and your done, you can confirm it's installed by going on roblox.com.


For a better experience/accuracy with the theme you may try out Legacy Site Restoration which requires tampermonkey to use, if your unsure or confused with how to install please refer to tampermonkey's script installation page.

For upcoming updates and features you can try out the experimental channel, you're not required in any way to install this. Experimental channel may change at any time and or be unstable, any issues should be reported via issues.


Please report any issues you find in Issues or on the themes userstyles.world page, please include what build and or channel you're on, the browser you're were using when the problem occured, the page you were on when it happened, and any other explanations/steps that could further help recreate the problem.


Sites used to make this possible :

Special thanks to those that helped make this theme possible.