tessellator / sveltekit-adapter-lambda

Adapter for SvelteKit applications that generates a handler for use on AWS Lambda
MIT License
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Adapter for SvelteKit applications that generates a handler for use on AWS Lambda. Just build, zip, and upload.

This adapter is largely based on @sveltejs/adapter-node, but the handler it produces is based on @vendia/serverless-express.


Install with npm i -D @tessellator/sveltekit-adapter-lambda, then add the following to your svelte.config.js:

// svelte.config.js
import adapter from "@tessellator/sveltekit-adapter-lambda";

export default {
  kit: {
    adapter: adapter(),

Environment Variables

Supports the following env vars from @sveltejs/adapter-node:

Note that a maximum value of 6MB for BODY_SIZE_LIMIT is enforced because it is an AWS Lambda limit.


All options from @sveltejs/adapter-node are supported.


You will need the output directory (build by default), the project's package.json, and the production dependencies in node_modules to run the application. Production dependencies can be generated with npm ci --prod (you can skip this step if your app doesn't have any dependencies). You can then zip these files and upload them to your Lambda function.

Development dependencies will be bundled into your app using esbuild. To control whether a given package is bundled or externalised, place it in devDependencies or dependencies respectively in your package.json.
