test-fullautomation / robotframework-qconnect-base

Apache License 2.0
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Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at


Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

QConnectBase Library

QConnectBaseLibrary is a connection testing library for Robot Framework. Library will be supported to downloaded from PyPI soon. It provides a mechanism to handle trace log continously receiving from a connection (such as Raw TCP, SSH, Serial, etc.) besides sending data back to the other side. It's especially efficient for monitoring the overflood response trace log from an asynchronous trace systems. It is supporting Python 3.7+ and RobotFramework 3.2+.

Table of Contents

Getting Started

We have a plan to publish all the sourcecode as OSS in the near future so that you can downloaded from PyPI. For the current period, you can checkout


After checking out the source completely, you can install by running below command inside robotframework-qconnect-base directory.

python setup.py install


QConnectBase Library support following keywords for testing connection in RobotFramework.


Use for establishing a connection.


connect [conn_name] [conn_type] [conn_mode] [conn_conf] (All parameters are required to be in order) or

connect conn_name=[conn_name] conn_type=[conn_type] conn_mode=[conn_mode] conn_conf=[conn_conf] (All parameters are assigned by name)


conn_name: Name of the connection.

conn_type: Type of the connection. QConnectBaseLibrary has supported below connection types:

  • TCPIPClient: Create a Raw TCPIP connection to TCP Server.
  • SSHClient: Create a client connection to a SSH server.
  • SerialClient: Create a client connection via Serial Port.

conn_mode: (unused) Mode of a connection type.

conn_conf: Configurations for making a connection. Depend on conn_type (Type of Connection), there is a suitable configuration in JSON format as below.

  • TCPIPClient
<!-- -->
    "address": [server host], # Optional. Default value is "localhost".
    "port": [server port]     # Optional. Default value is 1234.
    "logfile": [Log file path. Possible values: 'nonlog', 'console', <user define path>]
  • SSHClient
<!-- -->
    "address" : [server host],  # Optional. Default value is "localhost".
    "port" : [server host],     # Optional. Default value is 22.
    "username" : [username],    # Optional. Default value is "root".
    "password" : [password],    # Optional. Default value is "".
    "authentication" : "password" | "keyfile" | "passwordkeyfile",  # Optional. Default value is "".
    "key_filename" : [filename or list of filenames], # Optional. Default value is null.
    "logfile": [Log file path. Possible values: 'nonlog', 'console', <user define path>]
  • SerialClient
<!-- -->
    "port" : [comport or null],
    "baudrate" : [Baud rate such as 9600 or 115200 etc.],
    "bytesize" : [Number of data bits. Possible values: 5, 6, 7, 8],
    "stopbits" : [Number of stop bits. Possible values: 1, 1.5, 2],
    "parity" : [Enable parity checking. Possible values: 'N', 'E', 'O', 'M', 'S'],
    "rtscts" : [Enable hardware (RTS/CTS) flow control.],
    "xonxoff" : [Enable software flow control.],
    "logfile": [Log file path. Possible values: 'nonlog', 'console', <user define path>]


Use for disconnect a connection by name.


disconnect conn_name


conn_name: Name of the connection.

send command

Use for sending a command to the other side of connection.


send command [conn_name] [command] (All parameters are required to be in order) or

send command conn_name=[conn_name] command=[command] (All parameters are assigned by name) ##### Arguments:


Use for verifying a response from the connection if it matched a pattern.


verify [conn_name] [search_pattern] [timeout] [fetch_block] [eob_pattern] [filter_pattern] [send_cmd](All parameters are required to be in order) or

verify conn_name=[conn_name] search_pattern=[search_pattern] timeout=[timeout] fetch_block=[fetch_block] eob_pattern=[eob_pattern] filter_pattern=[filter_pattern] send_cmd=[send_cmd] (All parameters are assigned by name)


conn_name: Name of the connection.

search_pattern: Regular expression for matching with the response.

timeout: Timeout for waiting response matching pattern.

fetch_block: If this value is true, every response line will be put into a block untill a line match eob_pattern pattern.

eob_pattern: Regular expression for matching the endline when using fetch_block.

filter_pattern: Regular expression for filtering every line of block when using fetch_block.

send_cmd: Command to be sent to the other side of connection and waiting for response.

Return value:

A corresponding match object if it is found.


${result} = verify  conn_name=SSH_Connection
                     send_cmd=*echo This is the 1st test command.*
  • \${result}[0] will be \"This is the 1st test command.\" which is the matched string.
  • \${result}[1] will be \"1st\" which is the first captured string.
  • \${result}[2] will be \"command\" which is the second captured string.


*** Settings ***
Documentation    Suite description
Library     QConnectBase.ConnectionManager

*** Test Cases ***
Test SSH Connection
    # Create config for connection.
    ${config_string}=    catenate
    ...  {
    ...   "address": "",
    ...   "port": 8022,
    ...   "username": "root",
    ...   "password": "",
    ...   "authentication": "password",
    ...   "key_filename": null
    ...  }
    log to console       \nConnecting with configurations:\n${config_string}
    ${config}=             evaluate        json.loads('''${config_string}''')    json

    # Connect to the target with above configurations.
    connect             conn_name=test_ssh
    ...                 conn_type=SSHClient
    ...                 conn_conf=${config}

    # Send command 'cd ..' and 'ls' then wait for the response '.*' pattern.
    send command                conn_name=test_ssh
    ...                         command=cd ..

    ${res}=     verify                  conn_name=test_ssh
    ...                                 search_pattern=.*
    ...                                 send_cmd=ls
    log to console     ${res}

    # Disconnect
    disconnect  test_ssh

Contribution Guidelines

QConnectBaseLibrary is designed for ease of making an extension library. By that way you can take advantage of the QConnectBaseLibrary's infrastructure for handling your own connection protocal. For creating an extension library for QConnectBaseLibrary, please following below steps.

  1. Create a library package which have the prefix name is **robotframework-qconnect-**[your specific name].
  2. Your hadling connection class should be derived from QConnectBase.connection_base.ConnectionBase class.
  3. In your Connection Class, override below attributes and methods:
  • _CONNECTION_TYPE: name of your connection type. It will be the input of the conn_type argument when using connect keyword. Depend on the type name, the library will detemine the correct connection handling class.
  • __init__(self, _mode, config): in this constructor method, you should:
  • Prepare resource for your connection.

  • Initialize receiver thread by calling self._init_thread_receiver(cls._socket_instance, mode=\"\") method.

  • Configure and initialize the lowlevel receiver thread (if it's necessary) as below

    self._llrecv_thrd_obj = None
     self._llrecv_thrd_term = threading.Event()
  • Incase you use the lowlevel receiver thread. You should implement the thrd_llrecv_from_connection_interface() method. This method is a mediate layer which will receive the data from connection at the very beginning, do some process then put them in a queue for the receiver thread above getting later.

  • Create the queue for this connection (use Queue.Queue).

  • connect(): implement the way you use to make your own connection protocol.
  • _read(): implement the way to receive data from connection.
  • _write(): implement the way to send data via connection.
  • disconnect(): implement the way you use to disconnect your own connection protocol.
  • quit(): implement the way you use to quit connection and clean resource.

Configure Git and correct EOL handling

Here you can find the references for Dealing with line endings.

Every time you press return on your keyboard you're actually inserting an invisible character called a line ending. Historically, different operating systems have handled line endings differently. When you view changes in a file, Git handles line endings in its own way. Since you're collaborating on projects with Git and GitHub, Git might produce unexpected results if, for example, you're working on a Windows machine, and your collaborator has made a change in OS X.

To avoid problems in your diffs, you can configure Git to properly handle line endings. If you are storing the .gitattributes file directly inside of your repository, than you can asure that all EOL are manged by git correctly as defined.

Sourcecode Documentation

For investigating sourcecode, please refer to QConnectBase library documentation

A detailed documentation of the QConnectBase package can also be found here: QConnectBase.pdf


If you have any problem when using the library or think there is a better solution for any part of the library, I'd love to know it, as this will all help me to improve the library. Please don\'t hesitate to contact me.

Do share your valuable opinion, I appreciate your honest feedback!



Nguyen Huynh Tri Cuong


Nguyen Huynh Tri Cuong

Thomas Pollerspöck


Copyright 2020-2023 Robert Bosch GmbH

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at


Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.