The below error occurs when import selftest result to testresult webapp db.
FATAL ERROR: xml result file 'C:/B/builds/_-kEd1q5/0/robotframework-aio/main/robotframework/atest/aiotestlogfiles/aiotestlogfile.xml' is not a valid Robot result.
Reason: Element 'msg', attribute 'level': [facet 'enumeration'] The value 'USER' is not an element of the set {'TRACE', 'DEBUG', 'INFO', 'WARN', 'ERROR', 'FAIL', 'SKIP', 'UNKNOWN'}., line 112
The schema to validate given *.xml result should be updated due to new feature of log level from @HolQue .
Hi Thomas,
The below error occurs when import selftest result to testresult webapp db.
The schema to validate given *.xml result should be updated due to new feature of log level from @HolQue .
Thank you, Ngoan