testcontainers / tc-guide-getting-started-with-testcontainers-for-nodejs

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Getting started with Testcontainers for NodeJS

This is sample code for Getting started with Testcontainers for NodeJS Guide.

1. Setup Environment

Make sure you have NodeJS and a compatible container runtime installed. For example:

$ node -v

$ docker version
Server: Docker Desktop 4.12.0 (85629)
  Version:          20.10.17
  API version:      1.41 (minimum version 1.12)
  Go version:       go1.17.11

2. Setup Project

git clone https://github.com/testcontainers/tc-guide-getting-started-with-testcontainers-for-nodejs.git
cd tc-guide-getting-started-with-testcontainers-for-nodejs/src
npm install

3. Run Tests

$ npm test

The tests should pass.