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Test cases don't inherit test suite labels #1005

Open tikolakin opened 2 weeks ago

tikolakin commented 2 weeks ago

Describe the bug Test cases don't inherit test suite labels

To Reproduce Given there is a folder with the "root" name Given there is a label with the name "label-test-suite" and scope: test suite, test case Given there is a label with the name"label-test-case" and scope: test case

Create a test suite called "Create test case" in the "root" folder Create a couple of test cases within "Create test case" Assign the "label-test-case" to the TestCase1 Assign the "label-test-suite" to the "Create test case" test suite


Open test case from the "Create test case" test suite Observe test case has both labels: test suite and test case scope


Create a new test suite called "Move test case" in the root folder Create a new test case called "Test Case 1 Move" in the "TestSuiteMove" test suite


Move the test case "Test Case 1 Move" from "Move test case" test suite into "Create test case" Observe Test case moved


Open "Test Case 1 Move"

Actual Test case doesn't have "label-test-suite"

image image

Expected Test case inherits test suite label

littlefrontender commented 1 week ago

backend issue