testomatio / app

Testomat.io is a simplified test management system for your automated tests. Issues, project board & documentation. app.testomat.io
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qa qa-automation software-testing test-automation test-management

Testomat.io is a test management system for automated and manual tests.

It's a modern QA tool designed to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of software testing processes.

Testomat.io is about shift-left strategy, test automation first approach, continuous integration and continuous delivery, DevOps and TestOps practices.

Schedule a demo to see system in action. No slides. Just practical use cases of QA workflows in real app.



Main Benefits

How to Get Started

You're done. 🎉

For more information on how to use Testomat.io, please refer to their official documentation.


Tools that will help you make life easier.

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QA and Dev outsourcing

Need to make software testing or test automation for your project?

Please request test automation consulting at zapple.tech or software development services at sdclabs.com