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Adding a new user to the project requires 2 invites #966

Closed dmrock closed 2 months ago

dmrock commented 2 months ago

Describe the bug The project invite works only on the second attempt

To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Send an invite via email
  2. The user accepts it
  3. The user registers in the system, and the project is not displayed for them
  4. Send the invite again to the same email
  5. The user sees the project

Expected behavior The user sees the project after the first attempt.

Desktop (please complete the following information):

Additional context The trial period, without company.

TetianaKhomenko commented 2 months ago

Hi @dmrock! The issue seems to be CNR. Closing ticket for now. Please reopen the ticket if the issue reoccurs or if any other details appear.
