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Move test/suite is problematic #982

Closed tikolakin closed 1 month ago

tikolakin commented 1 month ago

Describe the bug Given I select a test case/suite to move (with a checkbox or from the suite page (clicking ...)) Given the move modal is shown When I enter the destination folder keyword into the search field Then no destination folder appears in the list of available folder

Expected behavior The destination folder can be found in the list by using the search field

Screenshots If applicable, add screenshots or video to help explain your problem.

Desktop (please complete the following information):

Additional context Please investigate it carefully and make sure there are no bugs with the move action. It's very annoying to experience bugs with fundamental operations in test management system

littlefrontender commented 1 month ago

@tikolakin I found the problem when searching by pasting a string from the buffer. Is that what you mean?


tikolakin commented 1 month ago

Nope, It's all manually typed into the search field

TetianaKhomenko commented 1 month ago

@tikolakin is that the problem?


tikolakin commented 1 month ago

Exactly @TetianaKhomenko !

littlefrontender commented 1 month ago

backend issue

TetianaKhomenko commented 1 month ago

Hi @tikolakin! Thanks for reporting the issue. It was fixed. The fix will be published in the upcoming release.

TetianaKhomenko commented 3 weeks ago

Hi @tikolakin! The fix is live now. Please check it on your side

tikolakin commented 3 weeks ago

Thanks, it works now. I could move test cases OK TY