testomatio / pytestomatio

Pytest plugin to analyze tests and link them automatically with Testomat.io test case management system
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testomat.io plugin for pytest

uses testomat.io API:


pip install pytestomatio


Synchronize tests to testomat.io and get back test id. Tests will not be executed

pytest --testomatio sync

Remove all test ids from source code. Tests will not be executed

pytest --testomatio remove

Run pytest and send test results into testomat.io.
Test can be sent to testomat.io without ids in your test code. If testomat.io failed to match tests by title, it will create new tests for the run

pytest --testomatio report

Run pytest with debug parameter to get test data collected in metadata.json file

pytest --testomatio debug

Configuration with environment variables

You can use environment variable to control certain features of testomat.io

Env variable What it does Examples
TESTOMATIO Provides token for pytestomatio to access and push data to testomat.io TESTOMATIO=tstmt_***** pytest --testomatio sync
TESTOMATIO_RUN Name of a test run to create on testomat.io TESTOMATIO_RUN="Smoke test" pytest --testomatio report
TESTOMATIO_RUN_ID Id of existing test run to use for sending test results to TESTOMATIO_RUN_ID=98dfas0 pytest --testomatio report
TESTOMATIO_RUNGROUP_TITLE Create a group (folder) for a test run TESTOMATIO_RUNGROUP_TITLE="Release 2.0" pytest --testomatio report
TESTOMATIO_ENV Assign environment to a test run TESTOMATIO_ENV="linux,chrome,1920x1080" pytest --testomatio report
TESTOMATIO_LABELS Assign labels to a test run TESTOMATIO_ENV="smoke,regression" pytest --testomatio report
TESTOMATIO_SYNC_LABELS Assign labels to a test case when you synchronise test from code with testomat.io TESTOMATIO_SYNC_LABELS="number:1,list:one,standalone" pytest --testomatio report
TESTOMATIO_CODE_STYLE If you are not sure, don't set this variable. Default value is 'default' TESTOMATIO_CODE_STYLE=pep8 pytest --testomatio sync
TESTOMATIO_CI_DOWNSTREAM If set, pytestomatio will not set or update build url for a test run. This is useful in scenarios where build url is already set in the test run by Testomat.io for test runs that a created directly on Testomat.io. TESTOMATIO_CI_DOWNSTREAM=true pytest --testomatio report

Run groups parameter

There is environment variable TESTOMATIO_RUNGROUP_TITLE that can be used to specify run tests with specific group title.


In case you are using private testomat.io service, create pytest.ini file in your project root directory. Specify testomat.io url in it

testomatio_url = https://app.testomat.io

Submitting Test Run Environment

to configure test environment, you can use additional option:

pytest --testomatio report --testRunEnv "windows11,chrome,1920x1080"

Environment values are comma separated, please use double quotation.

Submitting Test Artifacts

testomat.io does not store any screenshots, logs or other artifacts.

In order to manage them it is advised to use S3 Buckets (GCP Storage). https://docs.testomat.io/usage/test-artifacts/

Analyser needs to be aware of the cloud storage credentials. There are two options:

  1. Enable Share credentials with testomat.io Reporter option in testomat.io Settings -> Artifacts.

You would need to decide when you want to upload your test artifacts to cloud storage

1) Upload page screenshot when test fails, using fixtures reference

# content of conftest.py
import pytest
import random
import os
from typing import Dict
from pytest import StashKey, CollectReport
from playwright.sync_api import Page

phase_report_key = StashKey[Dict[str, CollectReport]]()

@pytest.hookimpl(wrapper=True, tryfirst=True)
def pytest_runtest_makereport(item, call):
    rep = yield
    item.stash.setdefault(phase_report_key, {})[rep.when] = rep
    return rep

def handle_artifacts(page: Page, request):
    report = request.node.stash[phase_report_key]
    if ("call" not in report) or report["setup"].failed or report["call"].failed:
        random_string = ''.join(random.choices(string.ascii_letters + string.digits, k=8))

        filename = f"{random_string}.png"
        screenshot_path = os.path.join(artifacts_dir, filename)
        # file_path - required, path to file to be uploaded
        # file_bytes - required, bytes of the file to be uploaded
        # key - required, file name in the s3 bucket
        # bucket_name - optional,name of the bucket to upload file to. Default value is taken from testomat.io
        artifact_url = pytest.testomatio.upload_file(screenshot_path, filename)
        # or
        # artifact_url = pytest.testomatio.upload_file_object(file_bytes, key, bucket_name)
        pytest.testomatio.add_artifacts(request.node, [artifact_url])

⚠️ Please take into account s3_connector available only after pytest_collection_modifyitems() hook is executed.

2) If you prefer to use pytest hooks - add pytest_runtest_makereport hook in your conftest.py file.

def pytest_runtest_makereport(item, call):
    artifact_url = pytest.testomatio.upload_file(screenshot_path, filename)


Example of test

To make the experience more consistent, it uses standard pytest markers.
testomat.io test id is a string value that starts with @T and has 8 symbols after.

from pytest import mark

def test_example():
    assert 2 + 2 == 4

Compatibility table with Testomatio check-tests

Action Compatibility Method
Report tests to testomat.io complete pytest --testomatio report
Filter test by id to run complete pytest --testomatio report --test-id="T00C73028\|T00C73029"
Importing test into testomat.io complete pytest --testomatio sync
Exclude hook code of a test N/A N/A
Include line number code of a test N/A N/A
Import Parametrized Tests complete default behaviour
Disable Detached Tests complete pytest --testomatio sync --no-detach
Synchronous Import complete default behaviour
Auto-assign Test IDs in Source Code complete default behaviour
Keep Test IDs Between Projects complete pytest --testomatio sync --create
Clean Test IDs complete pytest --testomatio remove
Import Into a Branch N/A N/A
Keep Structure of Source Code complete pytest --testomatio sync --keep-structure
Delete Empty Suites complete pytest --testomatio sync --no-empty
Import Into a Specific Folder complete pytest --testomatio sync --directory "Windows\smoke"
Debugging parity pytest --testomatio debug




  1. pip install -e .
  2. cz commit
  3. cz bump
  4. git push remoteName branchName --tags