Events. a. Event Admin/Creation pages.
Events Info: Results/Ranking/Ratings a. List of categories:
Match report Suggestions: a. Need improved error checking when match report.
Teams a. Team Admin/Creation pages
User Account a. TBD: Xfire? b. TBD: Team chooser, for each Game?
SQL database
BUGS: Priority 1 Priority 2
caption for ebattles menu.
number of things to display in eb_recent_activity
for forms validations, Before showing a button, I check if the user can use this button or not... . Should I re-check the user validity after the form is submitted? . Should check the button has been pressed: // form:
... // submit: if (!isset($_POST['matchreport'])) { $text .= "
You are not authorized to report a match.
"; $text .= "Back to [<a href=\"".e_PLUGIN."ebattles/eventinfo.php?eventid=$event_id\">Event]
"; } else { ... } . Can $_POST be hacked somehow? Since it does not appear in the URL, can someone force a the value of $_POST ? . If $_POST contains enough info, we should not have to recheck everytinh after submit. . how do you handle cases like: join button appears if player has not joined yet. You have to check pre/post submit, because someone can open 2 pages showing the "join" button, then join twice.2 players with the same userid and team can not be allowed. Let's say a player plays for a clan, then quit the clan, and re-joins the clan, he'll be automatically signed up to the event again. So there will be 2 players with the same userid, and team, unless quitting the clan also delete the players.
Now, we can delete members without deleting the corresponding players w/o leaving orphans. But the example above shows there is an issue with this. If the Players table references the members table, then deleting a member will force to delete the players.
Kicking members of divisions has the same issue. We can not delete members w/o deleting the corresponding players. And we can delete players only if they have not scored yet. Therefore, we can only delete members if they have not played in a match yet.
Problem with having 2 players with the same userid in the same event. Since we do not know which player the current user is, . the user can not use quick loss report . if the user quits the event, it will delete both players
e107 admin can delete a user. => need to make sure each time we reference users, we check if exists. .TBL_EVENTS.".Owner .TBL_EVENTMODS.".User .TBL_CLANS.".Owner .TBL_DIVISIONS.".Captain .TBL_MEMBERS.".User .TBL_MATCHS.".ReportedBy .TBL_PLAYERS.".User
Need to make sure that the check to see if user can join/report/modify/delete is performed at the proper time.
Should not be able to report a game as a guest To reproduce this, go to the match report page in a tab, and logout in another tab. When you Submit, the match, it will be as a Guest.
to-do . send PM on add player.