tetomonti / Hydra

A flexible RNASeq pipeline
Apache License 2.0
4 stars 1 forks source link

================== Hydra - a flexible RNASeq pipeline.


Running the pipeline


Hydra requires Java 1.6+. All other tools are wrapped in a Conda environment, see below.

1. Get Conda

conda is available as part of the miniconda package <http://conda.pydata.org/miniconda.html>_.

.. note::

If you're using a module system such as on the shared computing cluster (SCC) at Boston University you can just load a preinstalled version:

.. code:: bash

 module purge
 module load anaconda2/4.3.0

2. Set Environment and Build Paths::

export CONDA_ENVS_PATH=<WORKING_DIR>/conda-envs
export CONDA_BLD_PATH=<WORKING_DIR>/conda-bld

3. Create Dev Environment

Use conda to install a basic developement environment::

conda env create \ montilab/dev_env \ -p ./dev_env

This will create a `./dev_env folder that stores all the files needed to run the pipeline. For more details, please refer to the Developer's Guide. (LINK)

4. Install all necessary R packages Activate the environment so you have access to the R version that the pipeline uses::

source activate ./dev_env

Start R::


Within R install all necessary packages::


Running the pipeline

Activate the environment (follow the instructions provided by conda following the environment's creation)::

source activate ./dev_env

Then you can run the pipeline, while providing your parameter file.


hydra-rnaseq -p param.txt

A detailed description of the parameter file is provided here <docs/user_docs/parameters.rst>__ and an example is located here here <parameters_example.txt>__ .

Additional documentation

A detailed user documentation is provided here <docs/user_docs/index.rst>__. For advanced users that are contributing to the development such as adding additional modules a documentation is provided here <docs/dev_docs/index.rst>__