teuler / robotling2

Building instructions for a small, 6-legged robot running MMBasic or MicroPython.
MIT License
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diy mmbasic raspberry-pi-pico robot

Robotling 2

Robotling-2 is a small, simple 6-legged robot using the new Raspberry Pi micro controller RP2040 as brain. To move around, it uses a simplified tripod walk that requires only three servo motors - inspired by a 20 year old book called "Insectronics". Except from the electronics and a few screws, it is fully 3D printed. Software is available for MicroPython and MMBasic.

Check out the Wiki for details and video1, video2, and video3.


CO2 watchman ("CO2-Wächter")

For the CO2-sensor version of the robot, see videos (preview, building instructions). The robot is featured in an article in the German Make Magazin 2/23]. For the MMBasic code, see here.

Release Notes