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Miscellaneous transcription errors in xrefs #31

Open DavidHaslam opened 7 years ago

DavidHaslam commented 7 years ago

There are multiple locations with what appear to be transcription errors in xrefs, e.g.

Exodus 19:9 reads: \v 9 IN\nd kosi\nd* yasisithi kuMozisi: Khangela, ngizakuza kuwe eyezini elinzima\x + 19.16; 20.21; 24.15,16. Dute. 4.11. Hlab. 18.11,12; 97.2. Mat. 17.5; 16. 20.21; 24.15,16. Dute. 4.11. Hlab. 18.11,12; 97.2. Mat. 17.5.\x* ukuze abantu bezwe nxa ngikhuluma lawe\x + Dute. 4.12,36. Joha. 12.28,29.\x*, lokuthi bakholwe kuwe kuze kube nininini\x + 14.31.\x*. UMozisi wasebikela iN\nd kosi\nd* amazwi abantu.

The first xref when re-arranged slightly shows that most of it is duplicated, thus:

19.16; 20.21; 24.15,16. Dute. 4.11. Hlab. 18.11,12; 97.2. Mat. 17.5;
   16. 20.21; 24.15,16. Dute. 4.11. Hlab. 18.11,12; 97.2. Mat. 17.5.

Without recognising this pattern, it would be hard to understand what the isolated 16. referred to.

I will extend this issue as further instances come to light.

teusbenschop commented 7 years ago

Sharp observation.

DavidHaslam commented 7 years ago

Jeremiah 16:4 reads: \v 4 Bazakufa izimfa zemikhuhlane;\x + 15.2.\x* kabayikulilelwa,\x + 16 .6; 22.18,19; 25.33. Hez. 7.11.\x* futhi kabayikungcwatshwa;\x + 16. 6. 22.18,19; 25.33. Hez. 7.11.\x* bazakuba ngumquba phezu kobuso bomhlaba;\x + 8.2.\x* njalo bazaqedwa\x + 14.12.\x* yinkemba\x + 15.2.\x* layindlala;\x + 15.2.\x* lezidumbu zabo zizakuba yikudla kwezinyoni zamazulu\x + 19.7; 34.20. Dute. 28.26.\x* lokwenyamazana zomhlaba.

Compare the second and third xrefs:

16 .6; 22.18,19; 25.33. Hez. 7.11.
16. 6. 22.18,19; 25.33. Hez. 7.11.

They are almost identical. They both have an extra space between the chapter 16 and verse 6, albeit differently placed. And one has a semicolon after where the other has a full-stop.

I guess the first could be corrected to 16.6; 22.18,19; 25.33. Hez. 7.11. and the second could simply be omitted.

Moreover, Jeremiah 16:6 reads: \v 6 Njalo abakhulu labancinyane bazakufa kulelilizwe; kabayikungcwatshwa,\x + 16 .6; 22.18,19; 25.33. Hez. 7.11.\x* kabayikubalilela,\x + 16 .6; 22.18,19; 25.33. Hez. 7.11.\x* kabayikuzisika,\x + Dute. 14.1. Levi 19.28.\x* kabayikuziphuca\x + Jobe 1.20. Isa. 3.24.\x* ngenxa yabo.

The same xref appears twice in this verse too!

16 .6; 22.18,19; 25.33. Hez. 7.11.
16 .6; 22.18,19; 25.33. Hez. 7.11.

Looks very much like some of these are transcription errors.

This example is further complicated by the fact that 16.6; would be self-referential.

DavidHaslam commented 7 years ago

Another pair of almost identical xrefs that appear on consecutive lines in the sorted count list:

\x + \xt Dute. 7.13; 12.17; Neh. 10.39; 13.5,12; Jer. 31.12,22; Hag. 1.11; Jow. 1.10; 2.19; Jow. 2.24.\x*
\x + \xt Dute. 7.13; 12.17; Neh. 10.39; 13.5,12; Jer. 31.12; Hos. 2.22; Hag. 1.11; Jow. 1.10; 2.19; Jow. 2.24.\x*

If one adjusts the spacing, it lines up better with the second, showing that there may have been an error of omission in the first.

\x + \xt Dute. 7.13; 12.17; Neh. 10.39; 13.5,12; Jer. 31.12        ,22; Hag. 1.11; Jow. 1.10; 2.19; Jow. 2.24.\x*
\x + \xt Dute. 7.13; 12.17; Neh. 10.39; 13.5,12; Jer. 31.12; Hos. 2.22; Hag. 1.11; Jow. 1.10; 2.19; Jow. 2.24.\x*
DavidHaslam commented 7 years ago

Here's another pair, differing only in one punctuation mark:

001 \x + \xt Hos. 2.18; Zek. 4.6,9,10; 1 Sam. 17.47.\x*
002 \x + \xt Hos. 2.18; Zek. 4.6,9.10; 1 Sam. 17.47.\x*

They cannot both be correct.

DavidHaslam commented 7 years ago

Another pair that have items in common:

001 \x + \xt Hos. 3.4; 10.7,15; 11.5; Mika 4.9.\x*
001 \x + \xt Hos. 3.4; 15; 11.5; Mika 4.9.\x*

Adjust the spacing, and an omission becomes plausible.

001 \x + \xt Hos. 3.4; 10.7,15; 11.5; Mika 4.9.\x*
001 \x + \xt Hos. 3.4;      15; 11.5; Mika 4.9.\x*
DavidHaslam commented 7 years ago

In these three sorted hits, the first and third rows are similar.

001 \x + \xt Hos. 4.15; 10.15.\x*
001 \x + \xt Hos. 4.15; 10.2; 13.1,16; Hab. 1.11; Hlab. 34.21.\x*
001 \x + \xt Hos. 4.15; 10; 15.\x*

Omit the second row, and remove a space from the third:

001 \x + \xt Hos. 4.15; 10.15.\x*
001 \x + \xt Hos. 4.15; 10;15.\x*

The last row should have been the same as the first one.

DavidHaslam commented 7 years ago

Another pair of hits:

001 \x + \xt Jer. 5.31; 6.13; 14.18; 23.11,21; 2.20; Hez. 22.26,28; Mika 3.11; Zef. 3.4.\x*
001 \x + \xt Jer. 5.31; 6.13; 14.18; 23.11,21; Lilo 2.20; Hez. 22.26,28; Mika 3.11; Zef. 3.4.\x*

Adjust the spacing and see how they align:

001 \x + \xt Jer. 5.31; 6.13; 14.18; 23.11,21;      2.20; Hez. 22.26,28; Mika 3.11; Zef. 3.4.\x*
001 \x + \xt Jer. 5.31; 6.13; 14.18; 23.11,21; Lilo 2.20; Hez. 22.26,28; Mika 3.11; Zef. 3.4.\x*

The book name Lilo is evidently missing from the first.

DavidHaslam commented 7 years ago

Another almost identical pair:

001 \x + 1 Kho. 8.47. Hlab. 106.6. Neh. 1.6,7; 9.33. Isa. 64.5; Dan. 9.8,15.\x*
002 \x + 1 Kho. 8.47; Hlab. 106.6; Neh. 1.6,7; 9.33; Isa. 64.5; Dan. 9.8,15.\x*

Differing only by one punctuation mark.

DavidHaslam commented 7 years ago

Another almost identical pair:

001 \x + 1 Kor. 7.17. 2 Kor. 10.13. Roma 12.6. 1 Kor. 3.5. 12.7,11,18. 1 Pet. 4.11.\x*
001 \x + 1 Kor. 7.17. 2 Kor. 10.13. Roma 12.6. 1 Kor.,11,18. 1 Pet. 4.11.\x*

Merely adjust the spacing:

001 \x + 1 Kor. 7.17. 2 Kor. 10.13. Roma 12.6. 1 Kor. 3.5. 12.7,11,18. 1 Pet. 4.11.\x*
001 \x + 1 Kor. 7.17. 2 Kor. 10.13. Roma 12.6. 1 Kor. 3.5. 12.7,11,18. 1 Pet. 4.11.\x*

The second xref (with the missing space) is in Romans 12:3. Just corrected it.

DavidHaslam commented 7 years ago

Another pair:

001 \x + 1 Lan. 16.39. 21.29. 2 Lan. 1.3,6,13.\x*
001 \x + 1 Lan. 16.39. 21.29. 2 Lan. 1.3.\x*

The second merely lacks ,6,13

DavidHaslam commented 7 years ago

Another pair where only the spacing differs:

002 \x + 1 Tim. 1.17. 2 Pet. 1.17. Isam. 4.11. 5.12,13; 7.12; 19.1.\x*
002 \x + 1 Tim. 1.17. 2 Pet. 1.17.Isam. 4.11. 5.12,13; 7.12; 19.1.\x*


002 \x + 1 Tim. 1.17. 2 Pet. 1.17. Isam. 4.11. 5.12,13; 7.12; 19.1.\x*
002 \x + 1 Tim. 1.17. 2 Pet. 1.17. Isam. 4.11. 5.12,13; 7.12; 19.1.\x*

This example is one of many which could be tackled systematically. A search for the regexp \.[A-Z] yields 97 hits (over 99 locations). I will include this fix in my TextPipe filter.

teusbenschop commented 7 years ago

Thank you for the sharp observations. Errors like this are hard to see with the naked eye.

DavidHaslam commented 7 years ago

Another almost identical pair of xrefs:

001 \x + 1.10; 25.15,16,17,18,19,120,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29.\x*
001 \x + 1.10; 25.15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29.\x*

Pretty certain that the 120 in the first should be 20.

The location for the first is Jeremiah 1:10 which reads: \v 10 Bona, ngikubekile lamuhla phezu kwezizwe laphezu kwemibuso,\x + 1.10; 25.15,16,17,18,19,120,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29.\x* ukusiphuna, lokudiliza, lokubhubhisa, lokuphosela phansi, ukwakha, lokuhlanyela.\x + 18.7,9; 25.15; 31.28; 45.4. 2 Kor. 10.4,5.\x*

Both xrefs could be replaced by the verse range, thus: \x + 1.10; 25.15-29.\x*

DavidHaslam commented 7 years ago

Another almost identical pair of counted xrefs, differing only by a punctuation mark.

001 \x + 1.10; Josh. 5.13; Dan. 9.21. Zek. 1.9,12,13,14.\x*
005 \x + 1.10; Josh. 5.13; Dan. 9.21; Zek. 1.9,12,13,14.\x*

The first one (that needs correcting) is found in Zechariah 1:11 which reads: \v 11 Basebephendula ingilosi yeN\nd kosi\nd* eyayimi phakathi\x + 1.10; Josh. 5.13; Dan. 9.21. Zek. 1.9,12,13,14.\x* kwezihlahla zamamiteli\x + 1.10,11; Neh. 8.15; Isa. 41.19; 55.13.\x*, bathi: Sihambile, saya le lale emhlabeni\x + 1.11; 6.7; Gen. 13.17; 1 Kho. 22.19.\x*, khangela-ke, wonke umhlaba uhlezi uthule\x + 1.15.\x*.

DavidHaslam commented 7 years ago

Another pair differing only by the one extra reference at the end:

002 \x + 1.6,9,11,13; 2.1,4,6; Zaga 30.15,18,21,29.\x*
001 \x + 1.6,9,11,13; 2.1,4,6; Zaga 30.15,18,21,29; 6.16.\x*

They are found in Amos 1:3,6.

DavidHaslam commented 7 years ago

Another pair, differing by a spurious space:

001 \x + 10.16; 11. 6; 1 Lan. 29.14.\x*
001 \x + 10.16; 11.6; 1 Lan. 29.14.\x*

Just fixed the delinquent xref found in Daniel 10:8.

DavidHaslam commented 7 years ago

Another pair that have distinct similarity:

001 \x + 10.26. 2 Lan. 1.14. 2 Lan. 9.25. Dute. 17.16.\x*
001 \x + 10.26. 2 Lan. 1.14. 9.25.\x*
DavidHaslam commented 7 years ago

A pair where one has a space missing:

001 \x + 105.43. Hlab. 106.5,23. 105.26. 1 Lan. 16.13.\x*
001 \x + 105.43. Hlab. 106.5,23.105.26. 1 Lan. 16.13.\x*

Just fixed the xref in Psalm 105:6.

DavidHaslam commented 7 years ago

Another pair differing only by a punctuation mark:

002 \x + 12.4,7,9,13,16,17. 13.2,4,11. 16.13. 20.2. Hlab. 91.13. Isa. 27.1.\x*
002 \x + 12.4,7,9,13,16,17. 13.2,4,11; 16.13; 20.2. Hlab. 91.13. Isa. 27.1.\x*
DavidHaslam commented 7 years ago

Another pair differing by a missing space:

001 \x + 132.5. Gen. 49.24. Isa. 49.26. 60.16. Isa. 1.24.\x*
001 \x + 132.5. Gen. 49.24. Isa. Isa. 1.24.\x*

Just fixed the xref in Psalm 132:2.

DavidHaslam commented 7 years ago

Another almost identical pair:

002 \x + 14.1,6,8,9,13,20,21; 12.3.\x*
002 \x + 14.1,6,8,9,13,20,21; Zek. 12.3.\x*
DavidHaslam commented 7 years ago

This pair raises suspicions:

001 \x + 14.10. Eks. 2.3.\x*
001 \x + 14.10. Eks. 23.23.\x*
DavidHaslam commented 7 years ago

A pair with a single verse 13, omitted in one:

001 \x + 2 Kho. 20.17; 24.12,13,14,15,16; 25.13,14,15,16,17.\x*
001 \x + 2 Kho. 20.17; 24.12,14,15,16; 25.13,14,15,16,17.\x*

This has been fixed.

DavidHaslam commented 7 years ago

A pair with a space missing in one:

001 \x + 2 Lan. 14.5. 34.3,4,7. Hez. 6.3,4,6.\x*
001 \x + 2 Lan.,4,7. Hez. 6.3,4,6.\x*

This has been fixed.

DavidHaslam commented 7 years ago

Some similarity in this pair:

001 \x + 2 Sam. 7.14. 1 Lan. 22.10. 1 Lan. 28.6.\x*
001 \x + 2 Sam. 7.14. 1 Lan. 22.10; 28.6. Hlab. 89.26,27.\x*
DavidHaslam commented 7 years ago

Another almost identical very long pair differing only by a punctuation mark:

001 \x + 2.17,20. 3.7,18. 4.1,2. 5.30. 7.18,20,21,22. 10.20,27. 11.10,11. 12.1,4. 24.21. 25.9. 26.1. 27.1,2,12,13. 28.5. 29.18. 30.23. 52.6. Jer. 30.7,8. Hez. 38.14,19. 39.11,22. Hos. 2.16,18,21. Jow. 3.18. Amos 9.11. Obad. 8. Mika 4.6. 5.10. 7.11,12. Zef. 3.11,16. Zek. 2.11. 9.16. 2 Tim. 1.12.\x*
001 \x + 2.17,20. 3.7,18. 4.1,2; 5.30. 7.18,20,21,22. 10.20,27. 11.10,11. 12.1,4. 24.21. 25.9. 26.1. 27.1,2,12,13. 28.5. 29.18. 30.23. 52.6. Jer. 30.7,8. Hez. 38.14,19. 39.11,22. Hos. 2.16,18,21. Jow. 3.18. Amos 9.11. Obad. 8. Mika 4.6. 5.10. 7.11,12. Zef. 3.11,16. Zek. 2.11. 9.16. 2 Tim. 1.12.\x*
DavidHaslam commented 7 years ago

A pair differing only by a spurious space:

001 \x + 2.19; 3.8, 11,12,14,22; 31.22; 49.4.\x*
003 \x + 2.19; 3.8,11,12,14,22; 31.22; 49.4.\x*

This has been fixed.

DavidHaslam commented 7 years ago

A pair differing only by one book abbreviation:

003 \x + 2.40,44,45; 2.35; Mat. 21.44; Luka 20.18; Isa. 8.9.\x*
001 \x + 2.40,44,45; Dan. 2.35; Mat. 21.44; Luka 20.18; Isa. 8.9.\x*

All 4 are within Daniel, so the abbreviation Dan. was superfluous, albeit harmless.

DavidHaslam commented 7 years ago

A pair differing by a missing digit:

001 \x + 2.6; 15.24,26. 1.10,11. Roma 3.31. 2 Kor. 3.7,11,13,14. Gal. 3.17; 5.4,11. 2 Tim. 1.10.\x*
003 \x + 2.6; 15.24,26. 13.10,11. Roma 3.31. 2 Kor. 3.7,11,13,14. Gal. 3.17; 5.4,11. 2 Tim. 1.10.\x*

Already fixed.

DavidHaslam commented 7 years ago

A pair differing by a missing full-stop:

001 \x + 2.7; 3.2,9; 16.18. Hlab. 106.38. Isa. 24.5 Nani 35.33.\x*
001 \x + 2.7; 3.2,9; 16.18. Hlab. 106.38. Isa. 24.5. Nani 35.33.\x*

Fixed in Jeremiah 3:9.

teusbenschop commented 7 years ago

Now, reviewing all what you've found so far (and it's a lot), I greatly like the idea of TBS having a correct set of cross references that can be inserted. So we can discard our mess :)

DavidHaslam commented 7 years ago

Another similar pair differing only by a book abbreviation:

001 \x + 2.9; 4.27; Ruthe 1.13. Dan. 2.11.\x*
001 \x + 2.9; 4.27; Ruthe 1.13; 2.11.\x*

The omission of Dan. in the second, together with the semicolon, wrongly implies that the 2.11. is a reference in Ruthe.

Fixed by editing the xref in Daniel 2:9.

DavidHaslam commented 6 years ago

2 Chronicles 35:4 reads: \v 4 Njalo li\add zi\add*lungise ngokwendlu yaboyihlo ngezigaba zenu\x + 1 Lan. 9.9.\x*, njengombhalo kaDavida inkosi yakoIsrayeli\x + 1 Lan. 23,24,25,26.\x* lanjengombhalo kaSolomoni indodana yakhe\x + 8.14.\x*.

Looks like the chapter number may be missing in the second xref. 1 Lan. 23,24,25,26.

DavidHaslam commented 6 years ago

A similar pair in Jeremiah 20:5 where the second seems to have verse 13, missing:

001 \x + 2 Kho. 20.17; 24.12,13,14,15,16; 25.13,14,15,16,17.\x*
001 \x + 2 Kho. 20.17; 24.12,14,15,16; 25.13,14,15,16,17.\x*

Fixed already.

DavidHaslam commented 6 years ago

A similar pair in Isaiah 2:11,20 differing only by punctuation marks:

001 \x + 2.17,20. 3.7,18. 4.1,2. 5.30. 7.18,20,21,22. 10.20,27. 11.10,11. 12.1,4. 24.21. 25.9. 26.1. 27.1,2,12,13. 28.5. 29.18. 30.23. 52.6. Jer. 30.7,8. Hez. 38.14,19. 39.11,22. Hos. 2.16,18,21. Jow. 3.18. Amos 9.11. Obad. 1.8. Mika 4.6. 5.10. 7.11,12. Zef. 3.11,16. Zek. 2.11. 9.16. 2 Tim. 1.12.\x*
001 \x + 2.17,20. 3.7,18. 4.1,2; 5.30. 7.18,20,21,22. 10.20,27. 11.10,11. 12.1,4. 24.21. 25.9. 26.1. 27.1,2,12,13. 28.5. 29.18. 30.23. 52.6. Jer. 30.7,8. Hez. 38.14,19. 39.11,22. Hos. 2.16,18,21. Jow. 3.18. Amos 9.11. Obad. 1.8. Mika 4.6. 5.10. 7.11,12. Zef. 3.11,16. Zek. 2.11. 9.16. 2 Tim. 1.12.\x*

I have made the second to be like the first.

DavidHaslam commented 6 years ago

Two similar xrefs in Jeremiah 28:4,11

001 \x + 27.2,11,12; 28.4,10,11,12.\x*
001 \x + 27.2,11,12; 28.4,10,11,12. 27.12.\x*

The 27.12. at the end of the second instance is superfluous!

I have made it the same as the first.

DavidHaslam commented 6 years ago

Three more similar xrefs.

002 \x + 4.4,5,6. 3.28. 6.11. 8.18.\x*
001 \x + 4.4,5,6. 3.28.\x*

A space was missing from the last one.

Fixed already.

DavidHaslam commented 6 years ago

Another group:

003 \x + 6.13. 7.4,9. 11.10,12. 12.20. 13.9,14,21,23. 14.8. 15.7. 16.62. 20.38,42,44. 22.16. 23.49. 24.24. 25.5,7. 35.4,9,12. 36.11. 37.6,13. 6.10,14. 4.27. 12.15,16. 20.26. 24.27. 25.11,17. 26.6. 28.22,23,24,26. 29.6,9,16,21. 30.8,19,25,26. 32.15. 33.29. 34.27. 35.15. 36.23,38. 38.23. 39.6,7,22,28. Jow. 2.27. 3.17. Hlab. 9.16. Eks. 7.5.\x*
001 \x + 6.13. 7.4,9.11. 10,12. 12.20. 13.9,14,21,23. 14.8. 15.7. 16.62. 20.38,42,44. 22.16. 23.49. 24.24. 25.5,7. 35.4,9,12. 36.11. 37.6,13. 6.10,14. 4.27. 12.15,16. 20.26. 24.27. 25.11,17. 26.6. 28.22,23,24,26. 29.6,9,16,21. 30.8,19,25,26. 32.15. 33.29. 34.27. 35.15. 36.23,38. 38.23. 39.6,7,22,28. Jow. 2.27. 3.17. Hlab. 9.16. Eks. 7.5.\x*

The last one needs to have the 11. shifted right. Just fixed.

DavidHaslam commented 6 years ago

Another pair differing only by a punctuation mark:

001 \x + 6.17; 7.13; 11.7,8,10; 13.10,11; 16.12; 17.23. 18.12; 19.15; 22.21; 25.4,7,8; 26.5; 29.19; 34.14; 35.15.\x*
001 \x + 6.17; 7.13; 11.7,8,10; 13.10,11; 16.12; 17.23; 18.12; 19.15; 22.21; 25.4,7,8; 26.5; 29.19; 34.14; 35.15.\x*
DavidHaslam commented 6 years ago

2 Chronicles 32:32 reads: \v 32 Ezinye-ke zezindaba zikaHezekhiya lomusa wakhe, khangela, kubhaliwe embonweni kaIsaya umprofethi indodana kaAmozi\x + Isa. 36,37,38,39.\x*, egwalweni lwamakhosi akoJuda lawakoIsrayeli\x + 2 Kho. 20.20.\x*.

Looks like the chapter number may be missing in the first xref \x + Isa. 36,37,38,39.\x*

DavidHaslam commented 6 years ago

Three similar xrefs in which one has the abbreviation Hez. :

002 \x + Levi 1.3,9,13,14,17; 40.42.\x*
001 \x + Levi 1.3,9,13,14,17; Hez. 40.42.\x*

All 3 are in Ezekiel. The 2 have been fixed because the semicolon wrongly implied the reference is to Levi 40.42.

DavidHaslam commented 6 years ago

Five similar xrefs in Malachi 2 where one has a full-stop and the others have a semicolon:

001 \x + Mal. 2.11,14,15,16. Isa. 21.2.\x*
004 \x + Mal. 2.11,14,15,16; Isa. 21.2.\x*

Unified while simplifiying as: \x + Mal. 2.11,14-16; Isa. 21.2.\x*

DavidHaslam commented 6 years ago

Looks like a digit is missing from one of these almost identical xrefs:

001 \x + 2.6; 15.24,26. 1.10,11. Roma 3.31. 2 Kor. 3.7,11,13,14. Gal. 3.17; 5.4,11. 2 Tim. 1.10.\x*
003 \x + 2.6; 15.24,26. 13.10,11. Roma 3.31. 2 Kor. 3.7,11,13,14. Gal. 3.17; 5.4,11. 2 Tim. 1.10.\x*

The delinquent xref is in 1 Corithians 13:8. This verse also had one of the correct xrefs.


DavidHaslam commented 6 years ago

This looks as though the last verse is a typo for 34. \x + 21.32,33,24.\x* Found in Acts 23:27 which reads: \v 27 Lindoda ibibanjwe ngamaJuda, njalo ibisizabulawa yiwo\x + 21.32,33,24.\x*, ngafika lamabutho ngayophula\x + 23.10.\x*, sengizwile ukuthi ungumRoma\x + 22.25-29.\x*.

I will correct this on that assumption.

DavidHaslam commented 6 years ago

Two almost identical xrefs:

001 \x + 24.43. 25.13. 26.38,40,41. Mark. 13.34,35,37; 14.34,37,38. Luka 12.37,39. Seb. 20.31. 1 Kor. 16.13. Kol. 4.2. 1 Thes. 5.6,10. 1 Pet. 5.8. Isam. 3.2,3; 16.15.\x*
001 \x +; 26.38,40,41. Mark. 13.34,35,37; 14.34,37,38. Luka 12.37,39. Seb. 20.31. 1 Kor. 16.13. Kol. 4.2. 1 Thes. 5.6,10. 1 Pet. 5.8. Isam. 3.2,3; 16.15.\x*

A space was missing from the second instance in Matthew 24:32.

DavidHaslam commented 6 years ago

A similar thing to the previous comment:

001 \x + 26.16,25. 30.15,18,29. Jobee 5.19. Tshu. 11.2. Amos 1.3,6,9,11. 2.1,4,6. Mika 5.5.\x*
001 \x + 26.16,25.30. 15,18,29. Jobe 5.19. Tshu. 11.2. Amos 1.3,6,9,11. 2.1,4,6. Mika 5.5.\x*

The chapter number 30. was misplaced in one instance found in Proverbs 6:16. Fixed.

DavidHaslam commented 6 years ago

Should the last verse here be 32. ? \x + 29.11,16,19,25,22.\x* Found in Numbers 28:15.

teusbenschop commented 6 years ago

Likely verse 32 is the correct one.

DavidHaslam commented 6 years ago

Two similar xrefs:

001 \x + Dute. 13.1-3. Jer. 14.14; 23.9,14-17,21,25. Mat. 24.4,5,11,24. Mark. 13.5,22. Luka 21.8. 2 Pet. 2.1-3. 1 Joha. 4.1.\x*
001 \x + Dute. 13.1-3. Jer. 14.14; 23.9,14-17,21,25. Mat. 24.4,5. Mark. 13.5,22. Luka 21.8. 2 Pet. 2.1-3. 1 Joha. 4.1.\x*

The one in Matthew 7:15 lacks ,11,24. I will add what was lacking.

teusbenschop commented 6 years ago

I'd say to just add the ,11,24 so make it similar to the other one.