teynav / signalApngSticker

Convert Telegram Stickers (tgs) to Apng <300 kb for Signal Automatically using script
GNU General Public License v3.0
67 stars 5 forks source link
apng signal stickerpack tgs


Convert Telegram Stickers (tgs) to Apng (<300) kb for Signal And uploads it while you grab a coffee and makes sure you have it to send it to friends when you are back :")

Welcome Rust program(Alpha) and Script v3(Linux only) are here :")

What do I need to run this program? Linux , Windows (only for Rust program)

Look for Script folder on details about script

For Rust program , you would need

  1. Apngasm and Apngdis
  2. Tgs2Png
  3. Ffmpeg
  4. Python for singalstickers_client in uploader.py

Intial setup

  1. Get Telegram Bot token ready
  2. Install and launch Signal Desktop BETA VERSION
    • Goto Menu
      • Toggle Developers tools
      • On there open Console
      • Store somehwere output of window.SignalDebug.getReduxState().items.uuid_id
      • Also store output of window.SignalDebug.getReduxState().items.password

Don't share both of these with anyone else

How to see what all packs i converted with this script ?

cat packs


For v3, v2 and binary you need just the link to stickerpack, NO NEED TO DOWNLOAD TGS FILES Just have links like "https://t.me/addstickers/HalloUtya" and that's enough !!!!

For bot to upload on your behalf, using your account credentials given above.

If you want telegram bot token get it using BotFather :")

Once Intial setup , from next time just sending link would be enough.

Usage of v3 script (for v2 change name)


./script_v3_beta.sh <filename>

Where file has list of Telegram sticker links

Usage of Binary

cargo r --release <link> <link> <link>
Internal working of v1 and v2 Usage of v1 of script ``` ./script_v1.sh Converts tgs in current diretory to apng within ./outut ``` You could use it to : 1. To create custom stickerpack from group of tgs files 2. You don't need to have telegram account , although you need source of tgs files Dependencies of v1 of script 1. gifsicle 2. imagemagick 3. apngasm 4. tgs-to-gif Prefer v2 since it does job automated. --- What do this script do? (Just v1 ) 1. Convert tgs to gif 2. optimize that gif 3. breaks gif into frames 4. Make apng out of those frames How do i do this? (For v2 ) 1. Install above mentioned packages and python modules 2. Copy script_v2 , bot.py , download.py to a folder. 3. For first time you will be asked bot token and authentican info from Signal-Desktop 4. Do you have link to Telegram-Sticker ? Enter it when prompted eg : https://t.me/addstickers/MsWitchCat 5. Grab a coffee , Because you will now get link to signalstickerpack after wizardry is done !!!! How do i do this? (For v1 ) 1. Install above mentioned packages 2. Copy your tgs into a folder 3. Copy this script_v1 to same folder 4. Run it!! 5. Wait for cpu to cook your apngs 6. Look for all apngs in ./output/ 7. Create stickerpack using those apngs all are below 300kb !!! You say so, but what have you done??? ### With v2 porting becomes way easier since you don't have to be actively involved in porting

Contains 80+ stickerpack as of now ported from Telegram

Mastodon Owwww, That's nice , How can I help you

  1. Suggestions , Signal +919519873721
  2. Donations , PayPal or UPI 9519873721@ybl
  3. If you are using brave you can donate me directly.