tfha / data-science-template

Template for a data science project
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Data Science template using Cookie Cutter

This repo is forked from khuyentran1401 and further developed with my personal touch. Commands are made to work in Linux but will generally also work in a Windows environment.

Note: This template uses poetry. If you prefer using pip, go to the pip branch instead.

What is this?

This repository is a template for a data science project. This is the project structure I frequently use for my data science project.

Tools used in this project

Project Structure

├── config                      
│   ├── main.yaml                   # Main configuration file
│   ├── model                       # Configurations for training model
│   │   ├── model1.yaml             # First variation of parameters to train model
│   │   └── model2.yaml             # Second variation of parameters to train model
│   └── process                     # Configurations for processing data
│       ├── process1.yaml           # First variation of parameters to process data
│       └── process2.yaml           # Second variation of parameters to process data
├── data            
│   ├── final                       # data after training the model
│   ├── processed                   # data after processing
│   ├── raw                         # raw data
│   └── raw.dvc                     # DVC file of data/raw
├── docs                            # documentation for your project
├── experiments                     # ml-experiments. Typically with subfolder mlfow, tensorboard etc.
├── figures                         # Saved figures from your ML-experiments
├── dvc.yaml                        # DVC pipeline
├── .flake8                         # configuration for flake8 - a Python formatter tool
├── .gitignore                      # ignore files that cannot commit to Git
├── Makefile                        # store useful commands to set up the environment
├── models                          # store models
├── notebooks                       # store notebooks
├── .pre-commit-config.yaml         # configurations for pre-commit
├── pyproject.toml                  # dependencies for poetry
├──                       # describe your project
├── src                             # store source code
│   ├──                 # make src a Python module 
│   ├──                  # process data before training model
│   └──              # train model
└── tests                           # store tests
    ├──                 # make tests a Python module 
    ├──             # test functions for
    └──         # test functions for

How to use this project

Install Cookiecutter:

pip install cookiecutter

Create a project based on the template:


Find detailed explanation of this template here.

Basic commands

system setup in linux

Before specifying different application commands you will need some basic information about the system setup in Linux.

The Linux directories have this information. See also here: Link:

A shell/terminal (interactive user interface with an operatin system) will be invoked in 3 ways:

The standard system setup for your session is described in your Linux system here:

These setup-files are typically extended (with inherited information) and overridden with user specific information described in .profileand .bashrc (if you are using bash and not fishor zsh).

The .bashrc config file determines the behaviour of your terminal/system in Linux and is invoked every time you start a new shell (terminal) session both with a login shell and a non login shell.

For a login shell one or more files will be called before .bashrc. They will be called in this order (ie. similar variables will be overridden):

For a non login shell the files will be called in this order:


Python versions are stored in /home/username/.pyenv/shims. When running a command like python or pip your operating system search through a list of directories to find an executable file with that name. This list of directories are stored in an environment variable called PATH. PATHis searched from left to right. When an executable is found this will be run.

A python program executable should be added to your PATH. To see whats inside your path, run in your terminal:

echo @PATH

If this directory is not in your path, you have to add the path in your .bashrcfile.

  1. Open the .bashrc file in your home directory (normally, /home/your-name/.bashrc) in a text editor. Often this will work nano ~/.bashrc.
  2. Add in general export PATH="your-dir:$PATH" to the last line of the file, where your-dir is the directory you want to add. Here this is /home/username/.pyenv/shims
  3. Save the .bashrc file.
  4. Restart your terminal.

Note: the order of listed dirs in path is important. If there are different Python versions in your system the pyenv-path must be listed first in order to work. Arrange the order by:

Install a new Python version

pyenv install 3.10.5

Set the global Python version (NOTE: exit an eventual poetry or pipenv session):

pyenv global 3.10.5

Set the local Python version for your project:

pyenv local 3.10.5

Inspect python versions

pyenv versions
python --version
pyenv which python


Poetry has similarities with pipenv but has extended possibilities.

All main dependencies must be specified in a file in your repo called pyproject.toml. Subdependencies will be saved in poetry.lock. Originally there can just be a few dependencies in the file, but the file will be automatically updated underway.

If you haven't got a pyprojct.toml in your repo you can generate one calling:

poetry init --name <name of your package>

Activating the virtual environment (NOTE: Before activating, set the python version by call 'pyenv global 3.10.5' or 'pyenv local 3.10.5'):

poetry shell

To exit the environment.


Install dependencies. Running this command for the first time, the program will find the best possible combination of library versions described in pyproject.toml. A poetry.lock will be automatically genereated with detailed version for all main packages and sub-packages. Running poetry install when both are present will install exactly the version defined in poetry.lock. Thus, the package version in pyproject.toml and poetry.lock can be different. By calling this command locally for different team-members will ensure that the exact same package versions will be used.

poetry install

To add new packages pyproject.toml and poetry.lock will be automatically updated. The latest possible version of the package will be used.

poetry add "pandas>=1.2.0"

To add packages only used in development, and highlighted as such in pyproject.toml (will not be included in packaging into pypi):

poetry add loguru --dev

To update packages to latest versions (under the restrictions described in pyproject.toml, ie update this file if you want new restrictions) run:

poetry update

To only update a package:

poetry update pandas matplotlib

To remove a package:

poetry remove pandas

To list all available packages (eventually naming a package directly to see the details):

poetry show

Check your pyproject.toml:

poetry check

Search for a package in a remote repo:

poetry search pandas

Export the poetry.lock file to requirements.txt (you don't need it, but anyway):

poetry export -f requirements.txt --output requirement.txt