tfischer4765 / mm-install

MIT License
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A single-script-installer to turn PiOS-lite into a magic mirror with minimal ressource wasteage

WARNING: This script is currently in beta. Please use with caution and expect bugs!

Intended use and audience

This script is intended to prepare a working environment for, install and run MagicMirror2 on a pristine PiOS-lite image. It can easily be set up on SDcards as small as 8GB or possibly even smaller.

This script is targeted at advanced users who want to create a simple and low-footprint install for a production mirror. It creates a very minimalistic setup that is tailored to run MagicMirror2 only and not much else. It is not well suited for newcomers to experiment with MagicMirror or Raspberry Pi in general. If you count yourself among that group, Sam Detweil's install script at will be the better choice.

What it does

The script asks you to select which steps of the following list you want it to perform. Depending on your selections, some of the following steps may or may not be available:

Preconditions, Limitations and Caveats


MagicMirror configuration

The following applies ONLY if you selected to install MagicMirror via this script!

If you selected to link your config to /etc, the following will be available:

If you did chose to NOT link your config, they will be found in /usr/local/share/magicmirror.

Advanced configuration

If your system has special requirements, you may need to make use of the following advanced configuration options, that give you finer control over your system

Controlling the X output

By default, the x server is going to use output HDMI-1. The xinitrc script used to start the X server has provisions for running xrandr to change e.g. output, resolutions and rotation.

To use that possiblity, create a file named xrandr_opts in /etc/magicmirror. In it, you can put any set of command line options xrandr can understand. xrandr will ONLY be executed if this file is present.

Example: xrandr_opts containing the string --output LVDS --resolution 640x680 --rotate right will result in the command xrandr --output LVDS --resolution 640x680 --rotate right being executed. --resolution 640x680 --rotate right will result in an error, because no output to modify was specified.

You are very much encouraged to test the options by manually executing xrandr and observing that the result matches your expectations!

Using a custom background image

By default, a solid black background is used.

If you want to use a different background, create a file named x_background_image in /etc/magicmirror containing a path to an image file. If that file is present and the path in it leads to a readable file, that file will be attempted to be rendered onto the root window instead

WARNING: The script will not ascertain that the file it gets handed is a valid image file.


If the script behaves strangely

If all else fails, go to and open an issue