tflori / vue-template-loader-jest

Missing link between vue-template-loader and jest
MIT License
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Vue Template Loader Jest

With vue-template-loader it is possible to extract the html from a typescript single file component to a separate .html file (see But loading the components in jest tests is not possible anymore.

Here this library comes into play. It is basically just a custom transformer for jest that is using vue-template-loader to compile the template.


This is untested at all and I only care about my issues. Contributors are highly welcome. Feel free to open pull requests and issues. Write when you are interested in maintaining it.


Just install this library and add it to your jest config .*html: 'vue-template-loader-jest'. Example:

    "jest": {
        "moduleFileExtensions": [
        "transform": {
          "^.+\\.tsx?$": "ts-jest",
          "^.+\\.html$": "vue-template-loader-jest"
        "moduleNameMapper": {
          "@view/(.*)": "<rootDir>/resources/views/components/$1"

As you can see I'm also using a custom alias for views.