tfm000 / sklarpy

Copula fitting in Python.
MIT License
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copula-asymmetries copula-models copulas data-science finance machine-learning multivariate multivariate-distributions portfolio-optimization probability-distributions python quantitative-finance risk-management risk-modelling

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SklarPy (pronounced 'Sky-Lar-Pee' or 'Sky-La-Pie') is an open-source software for probability distribution fitting. It contains useful tools for fitting Copula, Multivariate and Univariate probability distributions. In addition to over 100 univariate distributions, we implement many multivariate normal mixture distributions and their copulas, including Gaussian, Student-T, Skewed-T and Generalized Hyperbolic distributions. Named after Sklar's theorem and Abe Sklar, the American mathematician who proved that multivariate cumulative distribution functions can be expressed in terms of copulas and their marginals.

This library has many different possible use cases, ranging from machine learning to finance.

Read the Docs

Official SklarPy documentation can be found here.

Table of contents


SklarPy is available on PyPI and can be installed by running:

pip install sklarpy


Here is an example of SklarPy's implementation of the Generalized Hyperbolic Copula model being fitted onto bivariate data.

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from sklarpy.copulas import gh_copula

# generating random data
n: int = 1000
obs: np.ndarray = np.full((n, 2), np.nan)
obs[:, 0] = np.random.normal(3,4, size=(n,))
obs[:, 1] = obs[:, 0] + 0.5 * np.random.normal(3, 5, size=(n,))
obvs_df: pd.DataFrame = pd.DataFrame(obs, columns=['Process A', 'Process B'])

# fitting our copula model
fitted_copula =

# printing our fitted copula parameters

# printing our fitted marginal distributions

# plotting our fit
{'lamb': -10.0, 'chi': 4.227038325195731, 'psi': 10.0, 
    'loc': array([[0.], [0.]]), 
    'shape': array([[1. , 0.84273015], 
                    [0.84273015, 1.]]), 
    'gamma': array([[0.99696041], [0.99913161]])}

{0: lognorm(0.02, -203.22, 206.18), 1: lognorm(0.04, -110.89, 115.4)}

Further examples can be found here.

Why we are better


All tests are written using pytest and cover all user accessible code. Some tests may be commented out or scaled back if they are likely to cause a memory error when run using github actions, however these have been extensively tested locally across multiple different Python versions and OS.