tghamm / dynamic-linq-query-builder

A truly generic and dynamic linq query builder to compliment jQuery QueryBuilder and other dynamic linq query generation needs
MIT License
256 stars 110 forks source link

Dynamic Linq Query Builder

.NET Coverage Status Nuget

dynamic-linq-query-builder is a small library that allows any .Net framework class collection to be filtered dynamically at runtime.

Features (v1.3.4)


dynamic-linq-query-builder can be installed via the nuget UI (as Castle.DynamicLinqQueryBuilder), or via the nuget package manager console:

PM> Install-Package Castle.DynamicLinqQueryBuilder

To Install the System.Text.Json extension:

dynamic-linq-query-builder-system-text-json can be installed via the nuget UI (as Castle.DynamicLinqQueryBuilder.SystemTextJson), or via the nuget package manager console:

PM> Install-Package Castle.DynamicLinqQueryBuilder.SystemTextJson

Getting Started

The easiest way to get started is to install the NuGet package and take a look at the MVC sample application included in the source code. It contains a working example of both dynamic-linq-query-builder and jQuery-QueryBuilder.

Additionally, see the Wiki


Contributions and pull requests are welcome with associated unit tests.