tgherzog / wbg-ogdtoolkit

World Bank's Open Government Data Toolkit
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This is the project for the World Bank's Open Government Data Toolkit.

The site was designed using Jekyll and is primarily written in Kramdown, an increasingly popular Markdown variant. Markdown/Kramdown makes HTML authoring easy by providing substitutes for the most common markup tags and structures (paragraphs, headers, lists, bullets, links, tables, footnotes, etc).

Jump to technical information.

Authoring Requirements

You will need the following software to author content in the toolkit:

You should also be familiar with:

File Organization

All files needed for content authoring are in one of two project directories: docs and en:

The es and fr directories contain Spanish and French translations of their English pages in en.

Note that the _config.yml file instructs Jekyll to ignore certain files (including this README), so if you're wondering why certain files aren't on the website, check there first.

Repository Branches

Git supports revision branching, allowing a team to create discrete revision tracks and merge them later on (see chapter 3 in the git documentation). This means that you can create one or more branches for significant revisions to the toolkit, and not affect the "master" branch (the public website) until you are ready to do so.

There are two branches that carry special importance in the repository:

Authoring Tips

Use Relative URLs

When linking to documents or images that are in the toolkit, use relative links like this:

[ODRA report](../docs/odra/odra-report.pdf)

not like this:

[ODRA report](/docs/odra/odra-report.pdf)

Relative links ensure that any changes in the hosting environment won't break links, and that links will still work if the source files are translated to a different language.

Table of Contents

The Toolkit automatically generates a table of contents for the current page by adding links to either \<h1> or \<h2> elements to the floating sidebar on the right side.

If for some reason, you want to supress a header from appearing the in the sidebar, add the notoc class to the \<h1> or \<h2> element like this:

## Header to be suppressed ##
{: .notoc :}

This takes advantage of a Kramdown convention that lets you add HTML classes to a preceding element. Note that the class name must begin with a period.

Header Identifiers

Kramdown automatically adds identifiers to headers so you can reference a specific section of a page like this (the toolkit's sidebar navigation depends on this). It's not required, but it's open helpful to control these identifiers manually, particularly for multi-lingual pages. Here is how:

## Download the ODRA ## {#download}

Formatted Tables

The toolkit makes extensive use of Kramdown's support for formatted tables.

"More" links

The toolkit allows you to create paragraphs split into two parts, where the second part is revealed when the user clicks a "more..." link. This is useful when you have several bulleted paragraphs that individually are so long that readability suffers. You can add a "more..." link after the first sentence so the rest of the paragraph doesn't appear unless the user specifically wants it to. The "supply" page has several examples.

Simply use the \<cite> tag (which has no other use in this context) to wrap the text you want to initially hide:

This text will always appear to the user.
<cite>but this text will only appear if the user requests it.</cite>

Pull Quotes

Use "pull quotes" to add visual interest to a page. The text in a pull-quote should appear verbatim elsewhere on the page (or else it's not a quote), since pull quotes are hidden on devices with small screens.

This paragraph will be styled as a pull quote
{: .pullquote :}


You can add illustrative photos and images to pages so that they float to the right of the main text, appear with a caption, and scale or hide on small screens. Here is how:

![This is the photo caption](../docs/images/photo.jpg)
{: .aside :}

Of course you must also add the image file (png, jpg etc) to the git repository.

Style Guide

The style guide gives editorial instructions for making changes to the toolkit to ensure consistency and quality (grammar, punctuation, etc). The style guide is titled in the git repository and style-guide.html on the toolkit server.

Multi-lingual Support

Multiple-languages are supported, although rtl languages (such as Hebrew and Arabic) are not. The content files for each language reside in a sub-directory that is the language's 2-character abbreviation: en es fr and so forth. Simply copy the original .md files from the english folder to a new language folder and have them translated. Do not rename the files.

You must also copy and translate the support HTML files in _includes/en which implement the standard WBG header, footer, and Omniture tracking code.

Third, edit the "lang" object in _config.yml to make sure the required text strings are available (use the English version as a guide). You should also set the "multilingual" variable to true.

Fourth, add an assets/config-xx.js file (or copy and modify config-en.js) for translation settings that run client-side.

Finally, edit _layouts/default.html if necessary so that the new language is accommodated in the setup code at the top of the file.

Text Encoding Errors

GSD translation services do not like dealing with Markdown/Kramdown files, they prefer HTML. Therefore any time we use GSD for translations we send them the finished HTML files and then run their translations back through kramdown -i html -o kramdown to get files consistent with the rest of the toolkit.

Unfortunately kramdown will often report text encoding errors, e.g., "The encoding of the source text is not valid! (RuntimeError)". You can check the file encoding from the command line with:

file -bi <input_file>

It should be utf-8 but most likely the file from GSD will be iso-8859-1.

You can fix it in vim:

set encoding=utf-8
set fileencoding=utf-8

then write the file.

Or to convert the file directly:

iconv -f ISO-8859-14 -t UTF-8 2016001463SPAspa003_index.html | kramdown -i html -o kramdown > ../es/

Technical Information

The toolkit is designed to run on Github Pages but can easily run on just about any server running Apache (or another web server), Jekyll (which requires Ruby and Ruby Gems), and git.

The Bank currently uses a dedicated Linux instance for hosting both the toolbox web site and the repository. Git access is provided via SSH, and a post-update script simulates Github pages by looking for commits on the master branch (or a QA branch) and regeneratig the site.