tgilbrough / MrKnowItAll

CSE481N NLP Capstone Project
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CSE481N NLP Capstone Project (Project Webpage)


This project uses Python 3.

Installing Dependencies

First, create a Python 3 virtual environment using python -m venv venv.

Next, activate the virtual environment with source venv/bin/activate.

Dependencies are listed in requirements.txt. They can be installed with pip by using pip install -r requirements.txt.

Downloading Data

Data is stored in the data directory and is not under version control. There are scripts to download the various datasets.

Using GPU Machine

SSH into and clone the repository.

The script will take care of:

CUDA requires some environment variables. These can be set using source

Disable TensorFlow Logging

Run source

Running Experiments

The script is a utility for experimenting with different model parameters. It accepts multiple values for each parameter and tries all possible combinations of them.

For example, the following command will try batch sizes of 16, 32, and 64, with question types of entity and location. It will always run for 10 epochs.

python experiment_name -b 16 32 64 -q entity location -e 10

Results are dumped to the tensorboard_models/ directory and can be viewed by using tensorboard --logdir tensorboard_models/. The name of each experiment includes the parameters used.

Error Analysis

The script takes the development dataset used, references, and one or more candidates. It prints HTML which can be piped to a file. This file must be in the error_analysis/ directory for the CSS to work.

python datasets/msmarco/dev/location.json references/location.json candidates/attention-batch_size=128-epochs=50-hidden_size=100-keep_prob=0.3-learning_rate=0.01-question_type=location.json candidates/baseline-batch_size=1024-epochs=50-hidden_size=100-keep_prob=0.3-learning_rate=0.01-question_type=location.json > error_analysis/index.html