tgraupmann / UnityWebGLSpeech

Unity WebGL Package for Speech Detection and Synthesis
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The WebGL Speech package combines speech detection and speech synthesis.

The WebGL Speech package is available in the Unity Asset Store. Online documentation is available.

See Also

Supported Platforms

Note: WebGL builds use the built-in browser to use the Speech API on PC/Mac/Android/iOS. In order to use the Speech API in standalone builds and in the Unity Editor, you will need to configure and run the free Speech Proxy. ![image_5](images/image_5.png) The demo scenes have game objects to support the WebGL Plugins and the `Speech Proxy`. ![image_3](images/image_3.png) With the `Speech Proxy` running, open a browser tab that relays `Speech API` calls to and from the browser. ![image_4](images/image_4.png) Only the `WebGL Speech` package in the [Unity Asset Store]( has example scenes that show using `Speech Detection` and `Speech Synthesis` together.


The Unity WebGL Speech Package is created for Unity version 5.3 or better. This includes support for Unity 2017.X, 2018.X, 2019.X, and 2021.X. This package combines the Unity WebGL Speech Detection and Unity WebGL Speech Synthesis packages. This package was originally created for the WebGL platform and supports other platforms using a Speech Proxy. This package requires a browser with the built-in Web Speech API, like Chrome. Speech detection and synthesis requires an Internet connection. The browser compatibility indicates which browsers have the Speech API implemented. The languages page shows what languages are supported by the Speech API.


1.0 - Initial creation of package

1.1 - Added support for Speech Proxy

1.2 - Minor fixes

1.3 - Added support for speech detection/synthesis in edit mode

1.4 - Added support for MacOS for play-mode and edit-mode

1.5 - Added example without GUI

1.6 - Added buffering for language data

1.7 - Cleaned up sample code

1.8 - Updated sample scenes to use default 5000 port

1.9 - Added support for 2018.1 and 2019.1.

1.10 - Added support for 2020.X

1.11 - Added support for 2021.X

1.12 - Added support for iOS 16.3.1


Note: In December of 2018, Chrome added a speech restriction that the speak() method can't be invoked until a web page has some user interaction.


WebGLSpeech Detection

Example01 - Dictation

The scene is located at Assets/WebGLSpeechDetection/Scenes/Example01_Dictation.unity.

The example source is located at Assets/WebGLSpeechDetection/Scripts/Example01Dictation.cs.

The WebGLSpeechDetection/Example01_Dictation demo is available online.


Example02 - Dictation

The scene is located at Assets/WebGLSpeechDetection/Scenes/Example02_SpeechCommands.unity.

The example source is located at Assets/WebGLSpeechDetection/Scripts/Example02SpeechCommands.cs.

The WebGLSpeechDetection/Example02_SpeechCommands demo is available online.


WebGLSpeech Synthesis

Example01 - Synthesis

The scene is located at Assets/WebGLSpeechSynthesis/Scenes/Example01Synthesis.unity.

The example source is located at Assets/WebGLSpeechSynthesis/Scripts/Example01Synthesis.cs.

The WebGLSpeechSynthesis/Example01_Synthesis demo is available online.


Example04 - Sbaitso Clone

The scene is located at Assets/WebGLSpeechSynthesis/Scenes/Example04SbaitsoClone.unity.

The example source is located at Assets/WebGLSpeechSynthesis/Scripts/Example04SbaitsoClone.cs.

The WebGLSpeechSynthesis/Example04_SbaitsoClone demo is available online.



Example01 - Dictation Synthesis

The scene is located at Assets/WebGLSpeech/Scenes/Example01_Dictation_Synthesis.unity.

The example source is located at Assets/WebGLSpeech/Scripts/Example01DictationSynthesis.cs.

The WebGLSpeech/Example01_Dictation_Synthesis demo is available online.


Example02 - Dictation Sbaitso

The scene is located at Assets/WebGLSpeech/Scenes/Example02_Dictation_Sbaitso.unity.

The example source is located at Assets/WebGLSpeech/Scripts/Example02DictationSbaitso.cs.

The WebGLSpeech/Example02_Dictation_Sbaitso demo is available online.



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