=== th0th's Movie Collection === Contributors: th0th Donate link: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=9D9EFHMXPRUW6 Tags: movie collection, movies, sidebar, widget Requires at least: 3.2.1 Tested up to: 3.5.1 Stable tag: 1.0
A plugin that enables you to share your movie collection with ratings on your WordPress.
== Description ==
th0th's Movie Collection is a plugin that enables you to share collection of your favorite movies on your WordPress blog.
Plugin fetches movie information from internet using imdb id of movie. You write your review of movie just as you are writing a blog post and you are ready to go!
th0th's Movie Collection offers you three ways to share your movies:
NOTE: Shortcode feature is under development and may be a bit unstable right now.
IMPORTANT: IMDb have a notice in their ToS stating scraping data from IMDb is not allowed and this plugin does some scraping. I, as developer of this plugin, don't take any responsibility about this issue. Using this plugin means you accept this responsibility.
= Usage =
First, get your movie's IMDb id, this is required to fetch movie information. Use the Movies -> Add Movie menu in your WordPress' administration panel to add a new movie. You will see the page you see when you are adding a new post, actually adding a movie is not very different. Post's title is up to you, you can write movie's title or anything about movie, or just anything else. Post body is the part that will input your review of movie.
Movie information fetching will be done using Custom Fields. Scroll down a bit and you will see Custom Fields part. Type imdb_id
as the Name
of the custom field and your movie's IMDb id as value
. And you are done. When you press the Publish
button, movie information will be fetched and you will have a new posts-page-like movies-page in http://your_blog_url.tld/movies
Please don't hesitate to leave your comments and point the issues you encountered on project's GitHub page.
== Installation ==
directory.== Screenshots ==
== Changelog ==
= 1.0 =
= 0.9 =
= 0.8 =
= 0.75 =
= 0.7 =
= 0.6 =
= 0.5 =
= 0.4 =
= 0.3 =
= 0.2 =
= 0.1 =
== More ==