thane98 / Astra

Editor for FE Engage
MIT License
5 stars 0 forks source link


Astra is a WIP editor for FE: Engage game data. This covers:

Supports FE: Engage 2.0+ ONLY.

Note that Astra does NOT manage:


Download the latest version from the releases page and extract.

Release binaries are only provided for windows. Mac and Linux users, please proceed to the next section if you want to compile it yourself.


Astra requires an up to date installation of Rust. You should also install git.

  1. Clone this repository from a terminal. This repository uses submodules, so you should include the recursive option ex. git clone --recursive
  2. Enter the project directory (cd Astra).
  3. Build Astra in release mode (cargo build --release). Alternatively, run Astra directly using (cargo run --release)
  4. After building, you can find the compiled binary under target/release/astra.exe for Windows or target/release/astra for Mac and Linux.



Astra uses the MIT license. You may find a copy of it in this repository.