the-ancient-one / message-cli

MSc Dissertation work on the PQC messaging system.
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
0 stars 0 forks source link

Project Name

A MSc Dissertation work on the PQC messaging system using the Circl(Cloudflare) Digital Signature(Dilithium) and Key Encapsulation Mechanism (KEM)(Kyber) for acheving the cryptographic security.

Go Reference

$${\color{red}(Read \space the \space following \space file \space carefully!)}$$

Table of Contents


File/Folder Description
cmd/ The cli application logic folder
common/ Common func and features used by the application logic
config/ The configuration load and read for the application by the .env and other files.
logs/ Logging directory for the application acctiivties
storage/ All the application related files and keys stored
msgcrypto/ Cryptographic alogroithm and logic
.env Environmental file to store and declare the variables

Folder Structure Tree

├── cmd
│   ├── listUsers.go
│   ├── readMsg.go
│   ├── root.go
│   ├── sendMsg.go
│   └── userID.go
├── common
│   └── common.go
├── config
│   └── env.go
├── go.mod
├── go.sum
├── logs
│   └── logfile_2024-08-09
├── main.go
├── msgcrypto
│   └── crypto.go
└── storage
    ├── 123
    │   ├── keys
    │   │   ├── kem
    │   │   │   ├── privateKeyKEM
    │   │   │   └── publicKeyKEM
    │   │   └── sign
    │   │       ├── privateKeySK
    │   │       └── publicKeySK
    │   └── messages
    │       ├── counter.txt
    │       ├── encryptedMsg-1.json
    ├── 345
    │   ├── keys
    │   │   ├── kem
    │   │   │   ├── privateKeyKEM
    │   │   │   └── publicKeyKEM
    │   │   └── sign
    │   │       ├── privateKeySK
    │   │       └── publicKeySK
    │   └── messages
    │       ├── counter.txt
    │       ├── encryptedMsg-1.json
    │       ├── encryptedMsg-2.json
    └── self
        └── keys
            ├── kem
            │   ├── privateKeyKEM
            │   └── publicKeyKEM
            └── sign
                ├── privateKeySK
                └── publicKeySK

User/Contact Folder

└── storage --main root folder.
    ├── 123 --contact id.
    │   ├── keys --root key folder for the contact.
    │   │   ├── kem --KEM keys used for deriving shared key pair and key encapsulation mechanism.
    │   │   │   ├── privateKeyKEM 
    │   │   │   └── publicKeyKEM
    │   │   └── sign -Digital Signature key pair used for signing the messages.
    │   │       ├── privateKeySK
    │   │       └── publicKeySK
    │   └── messages --Direcorty to store the messages/conversation.
    │       ├── counter.txt --counter file to keep track of the number of messages in the conversation.
    │       ├── encryptedMsg-1.json --copy of the send messages to the contact.


The application works a stand alone application which has been completed a proof of concept and not recommended to be used for other than academic purposes. To install the application, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone
  2. Change into the project directory:

    cd message-cli
  3. Install the dependencies:

    go mod download
  4. Build the application:

    go build
  5. Run the application:


Make sure you have Go installed on your system before proceeding with the installation.


To use the application, follow these steps:

  1. Open a terminal and navigate to the project directory.

  2. Run the application:

  3. Follow the on-screen instructions to interact with the messaging system.


Sending message using the flags.
./message-cli sendMsg -u=345 -m="dqwdwd grtgrtg Hellow"

Reading the message with flags. 
./message-cli readMsg -u=345


Most code is released under the New BSD (3 Clause) License. If subdirectories include a different license, that license applies instead.

Cryptography Notice

This distribution includes cryptographic software. The country in which you currently reside may have restrictions on the import, possession, use, and/or re-export to another country, of encryption software. BEFORE using any encryption software, please check your country's laws, regulations and policies concerning the import, possession, or use, and re-export of encryption software, to see if this is permitted. See for more information.