the-needl / hf-app-fastapi

Base template for Huggingface containerised FastAPI apps
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Project Structure for a Poetry FastAPI Project

This is a guide to the recommended folder structure for a FastAPI project managed using Poetry. This structure helps maintain a clean and organized codebase, making it easier to manage and understand.

Project Folders

Why Use This Structure?

Using this folder structure helps maintain a well-organized and modular codebase for your FastAPI project. It separates concerns, making it easier to develop, test, and understand different parts of your application. It also encourages good coding practices and maintainability.

Feel free to adapt and expand this structure based on the specific needs of your project. The key is to keep your code organized and maintainable.

Model Implementation Status

This repository implements the following models:

Models Still Missing

The following models are currently under consideration or in progress:


Stay tuned for updates as we continue to expand the range of implemented models!