the-neutron-foundation / neutron-language

A simple, extensible and efficient programming language based on C and Python
GNU General Public License v3.0
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efficient neutron programming-language programming-languages python python3 sly

The Neutron Programming Language

Codacy grade Website License Code style: black

Neutron is a high level general-purpose programming language that is inspired by C and Python.


Here is how to do the guess the number game in neutron:

import "types";
import "io";
import "random::randrange";

is_not_win = true;
number = randrange(0, 100);
num_guesses = 0;

while (is_not_win) {
  guess = types::to_int(io::stdin(prompt="Enter A Number Between 0 and 100: "));
  if (guess == number) {
    io::print("You Win!");
    is_not_win = false;
  } else if (guess < number) {
    io::print("Too Low");
  } else if (guess > number) {
    io::print("Too High");


There is a documentation here for full documentation and installation instructions. There is also a Gitter Chat here.


Before installing/building/running neutron, you should first install the dependencies. you can do this via pip3 or any other package manager. The dependencies required are:

Basic Usage

To use, run the filename as the first argument. It is recommended to use the python interpreter to run the code (just run the neutron folder), like so:

python3 neutron path/to/neutron/file.ntn

The filename for neutron files is .ntn. For example, important_file.ntn. If you want to use the compiled binaries, on Unix-like systems, you could do:

./neutron.bin path/to/neutron/file.ntn

Syntax Highlighting

Text Editor Where to find
Atom Atom Package Repository (language-neutron)

Why Neutron?


There are constantly new features being developed in neutron. To see the features that are coming and the one that are being worked on, go here.

Tools used