I am connecting to the FLOW blockchain nodes through over GRPC, using the Flow SDK on Java, the server needs a basicAuth to be send while creating the client.
Flow.newAccessApi doesnt support any credentials to be passed or setting the secure=true doesn't work.
I am hoping there must be a way to provide the credentials while calling the Flow.newAccessApi, Like in Go they have a
This seems to be achieved by attaching an interceptor and providing the Metadata headers. But there should by a way to provide the interceptors to Flow.newAccessApi
I am connecting to the FLOW blockchain nodes through over GRPC, using the Flow SDK on Java, the server needs a basicAuth to be send while creating the client.
Flow.newAccessApi doesnt support any credentials to be passed or setting the secure=true doesn't work.
I am hoping there must be a way to provide the credentials while calling the Flow.newAccessApi, Like in Go they have a
I am hoping this feature could be helpful for developers