the-nft-company / flow-jvm-sdk

Apache License 2.0
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Maven Central Sonatype OSS

The Flow JVM SDK is a library for JVM languages (e.g. Java, Kotlin) that provides utilities to interact with the Flow blockchain.

At the moment, this SDK includes the following features:


Use the configuration below to add this SDK to your project using Maven or Gradle.


    the following repository is required because the trusted data framework
    is not available on maven central.

  <version>[VERSION HERE]</version>


repositories {
        the following repository is required because the trusted data framework
        is not available on maven central.
    maven { url '' }

dependencies {
    api("com.nftco:flow-jvm-sdk:[VERSION HERE]")

Gradle (with test extensions)

plugins {

repositories {
        the following repository is required because the trusted data framework
        is not available on maven central.
    maven { url '' }

dependencies {
    api("com.nftco:flow-jvm-sdk:[VERSION HERE]")
    testFixturesApi(testFixtures("com.nftco:flow-jvm-sdk:[VERSION HERE]"))

The repository is necessary to access some of the dependencies of this library that are not available on Maven Central.

Example usage

Check out the example repository for an example of how to use this SDK in a Java application.

Integration tests

Tests annotated with FlowEmulatorTest depend on the Flow Emulator, which is part of the Flow CLI to be installed on your machine.

TheFlowEmulatorTest extension may be used by consumers of this library as well to streamline unit tests that interact with the FLOW blockchian. The FlowEmulatorTest extension uses the local flow emulator to prepare the test environment for unit and integration tests. For example:

Setup dependency on the SDK:

plugins {

repositories {
        the following repository is required because the trusted data framework
        is not available on maven central.
    maven { url '' }

dependencies {
    api("com.nftco:flow-jvm-sdk:[VERSION HERE]")

    // this allows for using the test extension
    testFixturesApi(testFixtures("com.nftco:flow-jvm-sdk:[VERSION HERE]"))

Write your blockchain tests:

class TransactionTest {

    lateinit var accessAPI: FlowAccessApi

    lateinit var serviceAccount: TestAccount

    fun `Test something on the emnulator`() {
        val result = accessAPI.simpleFlowTransaction(
        ) {
            script {
                    transaction(publicKey: String) {
                        prepare(signer: AuthAccount) {
                            let account = AuthAccount(payer: signer)
            arguments {
                arg { string(newAccountPublicKey.encoded.bytesToHex()) }


There are two ways to test using the emaultor:

Also, the following annotations are available in tests as helpers:

See ProjectTestExtensionsTest and TestExtensionsTest for examples.

Contribute to this SDK

This project is in the very early phase; all contributions are welcomed.

Read the contributing guide to get started.


This SDK requires Java Developer Kit (JDK) 8 or newer.


The Flow JVM SDK is maintained by @briandilley and @jereanon from The NFT Company.