the-simian / reforged-prepack

A structor prepack that uses Hapi, Redux, React, Material-ui, RethinkDb
MIT License
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Reforged Prepack



starting point is similar to material-ui prepack, but is going to be heavily modified.

This is a structor prepack that is based on -react -redux -reactive extensions (rxjs) -rethink db

Re^4, or "reforged"

...with hapi as the server.

thrifty setup

This isn't real documentation. it sucks and will be rewritten.

you'll need to install things for the db Windows:

in powershell, make sure you have choclatey. It makes the next part easier run as administrator

Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned

iex ((new-object net.webclient).DownloadString(''))

now make sure you have vagrant and virtualbox, necessary for rethink db

choco install vagrant -y
choco install virtualbox -y

Optional: make sure you have Cygwin (protip: if you installed git on windows, you l ikely have this already)

choco install cyg-get -y
cyg-get openssh
cyg-get rsync

start stuff

vagrant up

npm install


navigate to http://localhost:2222/structor/ navigate to http://localhost:8080/

npm run build && node server

app will start on port 3553

navigate to http://localhost:3553/