Quick demonstration of interfacing with an OV2640 camera from the Raspberry Pi Pico (RP2040).
Captures images in CIF resolution (352 by 288) and sends them to a computer over the UART. Images can be captured and the camera's registers read/written from a small IPython shell.
python shell.py [serial port]
Wire the following Raspberry Pi Pico pins to an OV2640 board.
Raspberry Pi Pico | OV2640 |
3V3(OUT) | VCC (3.3) |
GP2 | RST |
GP3 | XCLK[^no_xclk] |
GP4 (I2C0 SDA) | SDA[^i2c_pullups] |
GP5 (I2C0 SCL) | SCL[^i2c_pullups] |
GP6 | D0 |
GP7 | D1 |
GP8 | D2 |
GP9 | D3 |
GP10 | D4 |
GP11 | D5 |
GP12 | D6 |
GP13 | D7 |
GP14 | PCLK |
GP15 | HREF |
GP16 | VSYNC |
[^no_xclk]: Missing on some breakout boards like the "red" board. Leave unconnected for internal clock.
[^i2c_pullups]: Likely require I2C pullups unless breakout board provides them. Even so, adding a 10k pullup won't hurt.