To import highlights from your kindle's clipping file, click the highlighter icon in logseq. A dialog will open, click the "Load Clippings File" button, this will open a file selection dialog. Browse to your kindle and select the "My Clippings.txt" file.
After selecting the clippings file you will be presented with a list of books that you can import highlights from. Select the checkbox next to each book that you would like to import and click the "Import" button.
If you open Settings -> Plugin Settings and select "My Highlights", you'll see a few options to customize how "My Highlights" imports data.
Your highlights can be imported into two different locations: journal pages or a page for the book. When importing into the journal, they will be placed on the date that the highlight was created, under a link to the book page.
The setting that changes how your highlights are imported the most is the "Highlight Path" setting. This changes the title of the page where your imports will be stored. You can set this to anything that you want, but each book will need a unique title.
When editing the highlight path you can use the following variables:
Variable | Description |
{title} | Title of the book that's being imported |
{author} | Name of the first author listed on the book |
{type} | Type of highlights being imoprted, right now this will only be 'Book' |
{zettel} | A date time string to guarantee uniqueness. Only us this if you don't want to import more highlights later |
If for some reason the clippings file doesn't have an author listed, this value will be used instead.
By default, author names are listed as "Last, First". Check this box if you would rather have authors listed as "First Last".
This feature is in beta testing and may not work yet
If you would like to add the book's cover image, ASIN, and a link to the kindle web reader to the book page during import click the "Next" button instead of "Import". This will take you to a second page.
On the second page, select a book from the list on the left and you will see search results from Amazon on the right. Select the search result that matches the selected book. If you don't see the book that you want in the initial search results, change the query and click "Search" to see different results.
After you've selected the details once, you shouldn't need to select them again on future imports.
To hide the highlight IDs, open settings and click "Edit config.edn". Towards the bottom you'll see a comment about hiding specific properties, modify that section to look like this:
;; hide specific properties for blocks
;; E.g. #{:created-at :updated-at}
:block-hidden-properties #{:highlight-id}
You can manually install this plugin by downloading the latest release. Download the logseq-plugin-my-highlights-*.zip
file and unzip its contents to USER_DIR/.logseq/plugins/logseq-plugin-my-highlights
. Now just reload logseq and you should see the "My Highlights" icon in your toolbar.
If you find this plugin useful, please consider buying me a coffee.