This project is intended to be a "learning by doing" experience for the developer team. This was a learning-oriented project done by the devolepers to learn more about git, flask, dash, plotly, deployment,etc and to get the practical experience in handling a project. The whole project was done with the data from COVID INDIA API. In this project we created visualization of COVID and vaccination status which includes the statewise Deathrate,Tested cases,Confirmed cases,Recovered cases,Deceased Cases. Plotly, being more sophisticated is used as data visualization tool for creating elaborate plots more efficiently.
Through this project we create a covidwebapp that shows the covid and vaccination status in the states of India through different visualization techniques.The guidelines are as follows:
-Statewise Deathrate is plotted in bar chart,vaccination status in pie chart with labels partially_vaccinated,fully vaccinated and not vaccinated.
-Clicking on a particular state's bar from the bar chart changes the adjacent pie chart and the vaccination status of that particular state will be shown there.
-Placing cursor on a single bar shows the state name and death rate of corresponding state.
-Clicking on a legend item of the pie chart makes that item disappear (You can use this feature to tell total vs partially vaccinated).
-Placing the cursor on any particular case of Vaccination Pie chart shows it's label,number of respective case and it's percentage.
-In the state comparison tab, selecting no state will result in the line chart of India.
-In the state comparison tab, the Search option is available.
-Cases like Tested,Confirmed,Recovered,Deceased are shown in line chart.Each state is shown in different colour .
-Multiple states can be viewed altoghther which gives the user the better understanding of case rate in each state.
-Clicking on the legend item of any particular selected state,makes the line chart of that state disapper(With this feature we can easily differentiate the lines of other states).
-Placing the cursor on any point of line graph shows the state,date and number of respective cases reported.
To see the deployed project, follow the link
Manipal Academy of Higher Education
University of Kerala
MSc.Computer Science with Specialization in Datascience
Cochin University of Science and Technology
MSc.Computer Science with Specialization in Datascience
Cochin University of Science and Technology