theKashey / restate

A redux fractal state library 🕷
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composition fractal react redux state state-management



A fractal state management library.

Build status Greenkeeper

Restate connects to the Redux State AND to the local component state, producing a new state, you can use with, or without Redux.

Restate, re-store, redux-focus, redux-lenses, re-dux, redux-tree... Oh, it was not easy to name The base layer for a redux composition.

The goal of Restate is to provide hierarchical, decoupled, isolated synthetic stores, and make your application faster and simpler. Restate just creates a new branch, from a original store, allowing you to control it, and use composition on redux-level. And it does not need Redux for it. You can use Restate without Redux, connecting your components to the syntetic derived state.

import reduxRestate from 'redux-restate'; // to low-level redux manupulations
import reactReduxRestate from 'react-redux-restate'; // to work with multiple stores
import reactReduxFocus from 'react-redux-focus'; // to focus a lens on a single store
import reactReduxLoop from 'react-redux-loop'; // to call React from Redux
import reactSemaphore from 'react-redux-semaphore'; // to create *suspense* 

The problem

As long React spreads component architecture and highly composable patterns, the major part of it - Redux - do not follow this way.

In the world of redux Store is a singlentone. You can create a connection to that store, and fetch the data you need. But how?

Redux is the same for any connection, created from any point of Render Tree.

You have to use React props, to pass the ids you need deeply into react Tree to use them to get the data out of the store.

Redux is not composable. Redux is not component friendly.

Medium articles about: Restate , Fractal state .

The borders

Redux's connect method produces PureComponent. No update from the top will pass PureComponent. All updates will start from PureComponent.

Connect is the end for all updates, and the beginning.

Then you will change the store, all connected component will be triggered to update. They will mapStateToProps and maybe do nothing more, in case the result object is shallowEqual to the older one.

Unless you will specify areStatesEqual for each connect, which is not quite possible, to say the truth.

The idea

This is rework of ideas from Yandex Map API Option Manager. Option Manager was build to handle 2 cases:

It is easier to explain via example:

  1. You are setTimeone. You need your durition, and you are reading from store values named -> duration
  2. Actually you are an animation. You prepend your request by your name -> animationDuration
  3. Animation is internal component of Zoom Control. And it add to all data-requests passed from nested components it's name -> zoomControlAnimationDuration. As result - final component could use simple names - color, duration, value,- but store could contains much more complex names.

OptionManager (OptionMapper to be clear) work as lenses scoping the store.

The solution

Redux-restate get:

And produces the new store.

Thus makes redux composable, and enabled the component way.

Restate is the end for any update, and the beginning. But not for all. Only the ones you need.

The implementation



import restate from 'redux-restate';
const newStore = restate({ store: baseStore }, composeState, routeDispatch, options);


import reactReduxRestate from 'react-redux-restate';
const RestatedComponent = reactReduxRestate(
  { otherStore: otherStore /*store or store key*/ }, // default store will be injected automagically
  (stores, props) => composeState,
  (dispatchers, event, props) => routeDispatch,

The same as redux-restate, but in form of React HOC. The default store, accessible with storeKey, is available as .default for next functions.

Note: if composeState will return undefined the state will not change.

reproviding a state

Sometimes it is worth to keep the old store. Just save it using a different name.

import { reprovide } from 'react-redux-restate';
const Reprovider = reprovide('new-store-name', 'old-store-name');
const DefaultReprovider = reprovide('new-store-name'); // old will be `store`


There is a "standard way" to reprovide a state

import { ForkReduxStore, UnforkReduxStore } from 'react-redux-restate';

const App = () => (
  <Provider state={state}>
      // state "forked" into "global" state
        // state is "altered" here // you can always refer to "global" as a state key
        <UnforkReduxState>// state is reverted to the original</UnforkReduxState>


import reactReduxFocus from 'react-redux-focus';
const FocusedComponent = reactReduxFocus(
  (state, props) => state.todos[],
  (dispatch, event, props) => dispatch({ ...event, id: }),

Or you can use Component approach

import { ReduxFocus } from 'react-redux-focus';

  focus={(state, props) => state.todos[]}
  onDispatch={(dispatch, event, props) => dispatch({ ...event, id: })}
  <WrappedComponent />

The same as react-redux-restate, but for a single store.


HOC approach.

import reduxSemaphore from 'react-redux-semaphore';

const WillUseOldStateUnlessConditionAreMet = reduxSemaphore((state, props) => isValid(store.importantData))(

Component approach

import { ReduxSemaphore } from 'react-redux-semaphore';
<ReduxSemaphore condition={(state, props) => isValid(store.importantData)}>
  <TargetComponent />


Restate will perform shallowEqual compare for the old and the new states. Please use reselect or another memoization library to keep branches unchanged. Otherwise - specify areStatesEqual option.

Multiple store case

It is absolutely common, that some parts of application can be absolutely independent. But, in the same time, they are united. The simplest examples

Using the composeState you can control how your data passes down.
Using the routeDispatch you can control how dispatches bubbles up.


Deepdive with Restart instantly

Connect all restate to the original store, just for original store lensing and optimization.

 import {createProvider} from 'react-redux'
 import reactReduxRestate from 'react-redux-restate';

 const Provider = createProvider('non-default-name');
 const Remap = reactReduxRestate(...., {
   // restoreKey: 'store' // will defaults to store

Isolate middle of application

Provide store, reprovide store, restore original store...

import reactReduxRestate, { reprovider } from 'react-redux-restate';
const Reprovider = reprovider('realStore');
const RestoreStore = reprovider('store', 'realStore');

const RestateStore = reactReduxRestate(
  {}, // no extra stores
  states => focusOnSomeBranchIn(states.default),
  (dispatch, event, props) => dispatch.default({ ...event, id: }),

const RestateWithOriginalStore = reactReduxRestate(
  { realStore: 'realStore' }, // connect the real store back
  states => mixStates(states.default, states.realStore),
  (dispatch, event, props) => dispatch.realStore({ ...event, id: }),

const RestateForOriginalStore = reactReduxRestate(
  {}, // no extra stores
  states => focusOnSomeBranchIn(states.default),
  (dispatch, event, props) => dispatch.default({ ...event, id: }),
    storeKey: 'realStore', // use `realStore` as default

const Application = () => (
  // put redux store inside
  <Provider store={myReduxStore}>
    // re-export current store as `realStore
      // switch to syntetic redux
          // restore original store
            <WorkWithOriginalStore />
          // or use restate with 2 stores connected
          <RestateWithOriginalStore />
          // or connect restate to the real store
          <RestateForOriginalStore />

Also Check out example-todo in packages.

Before all the things - map Todos

const mapStateToProps = state => ({
  todos: getVisibleTodos(state.todos, state.visibilityFilter),

const mapDispatchToProps = {
  onTodoClick: toggleTodo,

export const VisibleTodoList = connect(mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps)(TodoList);

Next - render Todo...

The original Redux-todo-list

const TodoListRedux = ({ todos, onTodoClick }) => (
    { => (
      // Here redux "ends". You have to map onClick in magic way
      <Todo key={} {...todo} onClick={() => onTodoClick(} />

The remap variant

// direct mapping. Here is nothing more that Todo need
const mapStateToProps = state => state;
const mapDispatchToProps = {
  onClick: toggleTodo,
const ConnectedTodo = connect(mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps)(Todo);

// Focusing on Todo-only
const TodoMapped = reduxFocus(
  (state, props) => state.todos[],
  // Todo should just dispatch an event. All logic is here.
  (dispatch, event, props) => dispatch({ ...event, id: }),

const TodoList = ({ todos, onTodoClick }) => <ul>{ => <TodoMapped key={} id={} />)}</ul>;

The variant with Remap is twice longer, but it will run faster out of the box. No Todo will be re-rendered if any other gonna to change Todo will become isolated from rest of application.


As result you can re-connect any existing "connected" component.
