theKashey / storybook-include

Folder based storybook configuration for monorepos
MIT License
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Addon not working with SWC compiler (storybook-addon-swc) #2

Open martinstepanek opened 2 years ago

martinstepanek commented 2 years ago


First of all thanks for your work! This addon is really useful in monorepo environment.

Unfortunately this addon doesn't work (decorators aren't applied) together with storybook-addon-swc. I am not even sure if this is issue with this addon or swc addon as I don't understand how it works "under the hood".

Are you planning any support for it?

  addons: [

theKashey commented 2 years ago

This is happening due to babel-loader being replaced by swc.

I am solving the similar problem right now, and the general idea is a add extra Babel loader with transpiling part disabled and might be only for storybook files.

hrasekj commented 5 months ago

Hello, any progress on this?

theKashey commented 5 months ago

Still just a babel plugin with everything following.

Just commented at another project facing similar issue -

You might apply babel plugin from this package before SWC as you need to apply it ONLY to storybook files, leaving the actual code, 99% of your code, to SWC.

That is something very ease to configure for storybook webpack-builder - just another loader.