theKashey / storybook-include

Folder based storybook configuration for monorepos
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Storybook Include

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Controlling decorators in monorepo environments

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Storybook decorators are very powerful, but with great power comes great responsibility.

In the beginning it is ok to define global decorators. But as the project grows, different paths might require different management or decorators.

Adding these decorators to the every story does not scale from a maintanance point of view.

So, what about defining decorators on a folder level?

😎 think about it as .eslintrc or .babelrc configuration you can have globally defined as well as "per folder"


Install this addon by adding the storybook-include dependency:

yarn add -D storybook-include

within .storybook/main.js:

module.exports = {
  addons: [
    // or



Example file

// storybook.include.js
import { addStoryDecorators } from 'storybook-include';

// decorators are defined via default export
export default () => {
  addStoryDecorators((story, { storyName, fileName }) => {
    // you can mutate story
    story.args = { decorated: true };
    // you can add decorators
    // you can return an array of decorators to add
    return storyName.includes('dark') ? [darkModeDecorator] : undefined;

  // another set
  addStoryDecorators((story, { fileName }) => {
    return fileName.includes('page') ? [ReactRouterDecorator, StaticRouterDecorator] : undefined;

  // another set
  addStoryDecorators((story) => {
    return [CSSInJS, Theme, AndSomethingElse];

Reusing configuration

In rare cases you might consider sharing the same configuration between two configuration files. While simple duplication is usually preferred, there is a simpler way to do it

// storybook.include
import another from '../../other/storybook.include';
// ^ it's from another "branch", all explit parents will be "included" in any case

export default () => {
  // do you thing

Using for not .stories.*

Sometimes a non-standard file names for stories can be used - .story.*, example.* and so on. In this case default preset will not work, and a custom one will be required

// your custom preset
/* eslint-disable no-param-reassign */
export function babel(options) {
  options.overrides = options.overrides || [];
    test: /\.stories\.tsx?/, // <-- pattern matching your stories
    plugins: [require.resolve('storybook-include/babel')],
  return options;

Note on caching

While storybook does not enforce build caching this plugin is built with it in mind. As a result every file " autoconfigures" all "include files" above it, and every other file can "reconfigure" that list.

Theoretically that affects performance for non cached systems.

⛔️ removing-renaming include file might require cache update.

See also
