Quantum Resistant Ledger
This is the documentation for the QRL project. The main project can be found at https://theQRL.org
This Github project is hosted at https://docs.theqrl.org
We welcome contributors and believe in open source development
If you have good information to add to the documentation, please submit a PR. Anything from a typo to creating a complete write-up, the project and community will be better for it.
Install rvm
rvm install "ruby-2.7.2"
rvm use ruby-2.7.2
bundle install
gem install jekyll
bash _scripts/build.sh
rvm pkg install openssl
rvm install ruby-2.7.2 --with-openssl-dir=$HOME/.rvm/usr
If the site builds without errors, check out the _site
folder in a browser with a local server, e.g. http-server _site/
if http-server is globally installed npm i -g http-server