theRainbird / CoreRemoting

RPC library with classic .NET Remoting flavour
MIT License
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binaryformatter classic core csharp encryption framework migrate remoting rpc websockets


RPC library (.NET Standard 2.0) with classic .NET Remoting flavour

NuGet package:

What is it for?

What is it NOT for?

Facts & features

Hello world example

Let's create a simple multi user chat server as hello world application.

Shared contract

To be able to call a remote service, the client needs to know an interface implemented by the service. This interfaces should be placed in a shared assembly (Just like it is common with .NET remoting)

namespace HelloWorld.Shared
    public interface ISayHelloService
        event Action<string, string> MessageReceived;

        void Say(string name, string message);


The server side application provides services to clients.

using System;
using CoreRemoting;
using CoreRemoting.DependencyInjection;
using HelloWorld.Shared;

namespace HelloWorld.Server
    public class SayHelloService : ISayHelloService
        // Event to notify clients when users post new chat messages
        public event Action<string, string> MessageReceived;

        // Call via RPC to say something in the chat 
        public void Say(string name, string message)
            MessageReceived?.Invoke(name, message);

    public static class HelloWorldServer
        static void Main(string[] args)
            using var server = new RemotingServer(new ServerConfig()
                HostName = "localhost",
                NetworkPort = 9090,
                RegisterServicesAction = container =>
                    // Make SayHelloSevice class available for RPC calls from clients
                    container.RegisterService<ISayHelloService, SayHelloService>(ServiceLifetime.Singleton);


            Console.WriteLine("Server is running.");


The client consumes remote services hosted on the server.

using System;
using CoreRemoting;
using HelloWorld.Shared;

namespace HelloWorld.Client
    public static class HelloWorldClient
        static void Main(string[] args)
            using var client = new RemotingClient(new ClientConfig()
                ServerHostName = "localhost",
                ServerPort = 9090


            // Create a proxy of the remote service, which behaves almost like a regular local object
            var proxy = client.CreateProxy<ISayHelloService>();

            // Receive chat messages send by other remote users by event
            proxy.MessageReceived += (senderName, message) => 
                Console.WriteLine($"\n  {senderName} says: {message}\n");

            Console.WriteLine("What's your name?");
            var name = Console.ReadLine();

            Console.WriteLine("\nEntered chat. Type 'quit' to leave.");

            bool quit = false;

            while (!quit)
                var text = Console.ReadLine();

                if (text != null && text.Equals("quit", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                    quit = true;
                    // Post a new chat message
                    proxy.Say(name, text);

Source code of this example is also available in the repository at

To test the hello world solution, start the server (HelloWorld.Server) and then multiple clients (HelloWorld.Client). Have fun.