theRobinator / League-of-Legends-Simulator

A battle simulator for optimizing item builds in League of Legends
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This is a work in progress. It currently contains a working verison of an engine that behaves very much like League of Legends does. All of the functionality is there, but as there are a TON of champions and items to create, it currently has most of the items, Tristana, and half of Rammus.

I'd also like to remind you that LoL is maintained by a full company and I did what's in this repo in two weekends by myself.

ANYWAY, the purpose of this project is to find the best possilbe 1v1 item build, taking into account things like stuns, slows, spell shields, abilities, and more.

The program has a representation of a champion, and each champion has an AI. When the program runs, it has two champions fight each other with every possible combination of items, then ranks the best item builds based on the number of victories and the average health remaining.

Yes, this is a lot of possibilities. Tristana vs. Tristana using only physical DPS items is about 12 million battles to simulate. And yes, it runs in parallel.

Running the Code

This will be easiest if you unpack the whole thing into an Eclipse project.

What you want to run is simulation.LolSim. Because I haven't gotten a nice GUI yet, you have to edit the items that a champion is tested with in that champ's file. You can edit the other parameters in


While this is currently a fully working engine, it doesn't have all the champions and is also missing some items (it was created before tenacity items, but guess what? I wrote tenacity in there anyway before they came out. Go me!). Doing data entry and writing AI for the other 82 champions is not going to be fun, so this might be a while until it's completed. Let me know if you want me to do a particular champion next.

What will ACTUALLY be coming next is comments! Lots of them. And also an easy way to build the project, and to change parameters.