theastropath / Astronomibot

A little Twitch bot I've been working on
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twitch twitch-api twitch-bot twitch-irc twitch-tv twitchbot


A little Twitch bot I've been working on


Run one time, providing your channel name as an argument, eg: theastropath

Which will generate a new blank config file at ./config/<channel name>/config.ini

Open that file and start filling in the fields as follows...

[Chat] Section:

"chatnick" is the username that your bot will use

You can get your chat OAuth key for "chatpassword by going here:

Note: Log in as the account that your bot will speak through!

"channel" is the chat channel your bot will run in (It should start with a # and be lowercase). Eg: #theastropath

[TwitchAPI] Section:

Go here and click "Register your application" at the bottom of the page:

Enter an application name that seems reasonable (Eg. "Astronomibot") Enter "http://localhost" for the Redirect URI Select "Chat bot" for the Application Category

Accept the terms and conditions, then hit Register.

You'll be brought to a page to manage your new application. Near the bottom, you'll see a box that is labelled "Client ID". This is the client ID that will go into the "clientid" field.

Below that, you'll see a button that says "New Secret" underneath a label saying Client Secret. Click that and you'll be given a client secret that you can enter into the "clientsecret" field.

Navigate to:<Application Client ID>&redirect_uri=http://localhost&scope=user:edit:broadcast bits:read channel:read:redemptions channel:manage:redemptions channel:manage:broadcast channel:read:goals channel:read:hype_train channel:read:polls channel:read:predictions channel:read:subscriptions moderation:read moderator:manage:banned_users moderator:manage:chat_messages moderator:read:chatters

Log in as the channel owner, and you'll be sent to an localhost address that will look like this, containing your access token:

http://localhost/#access_token=<Access Token>&scope=user:edit:broadcast bits:read channel:read:redemptions channel:manage:redemptions channel:manage:broadcast channel:read:goals channel:read:hype_train channel:read:polls channel:read:predictions channel:read:subscriptions moderation:read moderator:manage:banned_users moderator:manage:chat_messages moderator:read:chatters

Grab the access token from the URL and enter it as the "accesstoken" field.

Alternately, use the token generator available at making sure to request the following scopes:

user:edit:broadcast bits:read channel:read:redemptions channel:manage:redemptions channel:manage:broadcast channel:read:goals channel:read:hype_train channel:read:polls channel:read:predictions channel:read:subscriptions moderation:read moderator:manage:banned_users moderator:manage:chat_messages moderator:read:chatters

Credentials for other Modules:

[FTP] Section (For website uploading)

[Twitter] Section (Twitter tweets when Live)

For information on obtaining those, read

[Discord] Section (Discord message when Live)

Game Voting Support

Create a Google Sheets document with a list of games. It must have at least a column containing game names, and another column for the game status.

[GameVote] Section

To add tables that you can vote for games in, you can create as many of the following sections (with unique keywords) as you want

[GameVoteTable<keyword>] Section (Voting for games)

The <keyword> can be anything, and the new command will be !<keyword>vote

To match the older GameVote behaviour, you would need a GameVoteTableGame and GameVoteTableRando section.
