theborakompanioni / tor-spring-boot-starter

Automatically expose your application as Tor Hidden Service.
Apache License 2.0
7 stars 1 forks source link

Build GitHub Release Maven Central License



A module containing a spring boot starter for an embedded Tor daemon. The starter will automatically expose your application as hidden service! Easily create hidden service sockets programmatically within your Spring Boot application.

A common configuration can look like this:

  enabled: true  # whether auto-config should run - default is `true`
  auto-publish-enabled: true # auto publish the web port as hidden service - default is `true`
  working-directory: 'my-tor-directory' # the working directory for tor - default is `tor-working-dir`
  startup-timeout: 30s # max startup duration for tor to successfully start - default is `60s`

Table of Contents


Download from Maven Central.


implementation "io.github.theborakompanioni:spring-tor-starter:${torSpringBootStarterVersion}"



The example above imports module spring-tor-starter - you can import any module by its name.


Start the example application with

./gradlew -p spring-tor/spring-tor-example-application bootRun

Example output (2021-01-21):

2021-01-21 01:23:30.035  INFO [...] : Starting Tor
2021-01-21 01:23:33.490  INFO [...] : Tomcat started on port(s): 8080 (http) with context path ''
2021-01-21 01:23:33.511  INFO [...] : Started TorExampleApplication in 8.417 seconds (JVM running for 8.972)
2021-01-21 01:23:33.605  INFO [...] : =================================================
2021-01-21 01:23:33.606  INFO [...] : url: http://<your_onion_url>.onion:80
2021-01-21 01:23:33.607  INFO [...] : virtual host: <your_onion_url>.onion
2021-01-21 01:23:33.607  INFO [...] : virtual port: 80
2021-01-21 01:23:33.607  INFO [...] : host:
2021-01-21 01:23:33.607  INFO [...] : port: 8080
2021-01-21 01:23:33.607  INFO [...] : directory: /home/tbk/workspace/tor-spring-boot-starter/spring-tor/spring-tor-example-application/tor-working-dir/spring_boot_app
2021-01-21 01:23:33.608  INFO [...] : -------------------------------------------------
2021-01-21 01:23:33.608  INFO [...] : run: torsocks -p 46735 curl http://<your_onion_url>.onion:80/index.html -v
2021-01-21 01:23:33.608  INFO [...] : =================================================




./gradlew build -x test


./gradlew test integrationTest

Dependency Verification

Gradle is used for checksum and signature verification of dependencies.

# write metadata for dependency verification
./gradlew --write-verification-metadata pgp,sha256 --export-keys
# update buildscript dependency locks
./gradlew dependencies --write-locks

See Gradle Userguides Verifying dependencies and Locking dependency versions for more information.


Checkstyle with adapted google_checks is used for checking Java source code for adherence to a Code Standard.

# check for code standard violations with checkstyle
./gradlew checkstyleMain


SpotBugs is used for static code analysis.

# invoke static code analysis with spotbugs
./gradlew spotbugsMain


All contributions and ideas are always welcome. For any question, bug or feature request, please create an issue. Before you start, please read the contributing guidelines.



The project is licensed under the Apache License. See LICENSE for details.