thebylito / react-native-navigation-bar-color

React Native component to change bottom bar/navigation bar color on Android
MIT License
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React Native Navigation Bar Color Change

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React Native Navigation Bar Color Change is a React Native library for change color of navigation/Bottom bar on Android.

Android Only

Table of Contents



react-native >= 0.60.0 ### 1 - Install the package: `$ yarn add react-native-navigation-bar-color` or `$ npm install react-native-navigation-bar-color --save` ## That's is all!
react-native <= 0.59.0 ### 1 - Install the package: `$ yarn add react-native-navigation-bar-color` or `$ npm install react-native-navigation-bar-color --save` ### 2 - Configure package: 1. Open up `android/app/src/main/java/[...]/` - Add `import com.thebylito.navigationbarcolor.NavigationBarColorPackage;` to the imports at the top of the file - Add `new NavigationBarColorPackage()` to the list returned by the `getPackages()` method 2. Append the following lines to `android/settings.gradle`: ``` include ':react-native-navigation-bar-color' project(':react-native-navigation-bar-color').projectDir = new File(rootProject.projectDir, '../node_modules/react-native-navigation-bar-color/android') ``` 3. Insert the following lines inside the dependencies block in `android/app/build.gradle`: ``` implementation project(':react-native-navigation-bar-color') ```


**Android Implementation** ```javascript import React from 'react'; import {View, Text, Button} from 'react-native'; import changeNavigationBarColor, { hideNavigationBar, showNavigationBar, } from 'react-native-navigation-bar-color'; export default function App() { const setNavigationColor = color => { changeNavigationBarColor(color); }; const hideNavigation = () => { hideNavigationBar(); }; const showNavigation = () => { showNavigationBar(); }; const testSetTranslucent = () => { changeNavigationBarColor('translucent', false); }; const testSetTransparent = () => { changeNavigationBarColor('transparent', true); }; return (


changeNavigationBarColor(color, Boolean(light icon color), Boolean(animated - default is true)): (Android)

Change color of Navigation/Bottom bar. color can be a "translucent" | "transparent" | HEX color, or name.

ex: green, blue, #80b3ff, #ffffff....

Light is true? icons will be dark.

  example = async () => {
          const response = await changeNavigationBarColor('#80b3ff');
          console.log(response)// {success: true}
          console.log(e)// {success: false}



  example = async () => {
          const response = await changeNavigationBarColor('#80b3ff', true);
          console.log(response)// {success: true}
          console.log(e)// {success: false}


hideNavigationBar(): (Android)

Hide Navigation Bar

  import { hideNavigationBar } from 'react-native-navigation-bar-color';
  hide = () => {

showNavigationBar(): (Android)

Show Navigation Bar

  import { showNavigationBar } from 'react-native-navigation-bar-color';
  show = () => {



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