This is the main repository for team repro. All items in the repo shoud be linked from here and later from the wiki.
Team members can just add and edit files. Others can also do edits that get merged after review using a "pull request". (See Github docs). Others also welcome to join the team.
We are currently still doing a first read through of EGRN C2.20 and C2.21. This is a necessary preliminary to work on an improved reading guide for Capital Volume 2, spreadsheets and future model.
The notation I am using for citations from EGRN (eg above) and my perspecitve on what we are doing is in:
Also related to notation for citations and links for sources is:
This will be moved to a repository of that name for work by team bib.
We are using the issue tracker to raise points for discussion in the course of reading. These should end up being worked on in draft files here. Issues in the issue tracker should end up closed when they have been dealt with in draft files here. The closing message should link to the related file.
We may also use the issue tracker for suggested improvements to the EGRN text, hopefully with Ed George participating. Perhaps also for typos (which should be closed by Ed George when accepted or rejected). It would be better to fix typos directly in source document but I am postponing that till solution to possible problems from use of Word software. There will need to be a second read through anyway, probably after first reviewing earlier parts of C2 and C1 plus related parts of C3 and Maksakovsky TCC.
The wiki should also end up being used to collaborate on a connected presentation with links here.
There is also a discussion facility similar to issues for more open ended team discussions:
My view is that a lot of the work for improved version should be relating C2 to modern business accounts and the system of national accounts (and indirectly to mainstream macroeconomic theory). As well as files on particular topics, a glossary together with spreadsheets that are a starting point for interactive exploratory explanations will be needed.
This could be oriented towards a potential audience of students learning about SNA. A glossary showing the relations between Marx's terms and standard terms could also be useful as an improvement to EGRN, as could the spreadsheets. Spreadsheets could also be attached to public archives of the related material by Marx etc.
The files below relate to this SNA orientation.
Links and keys for citations to SNA related documents (incomplete):
Starting point for a paper on the connection between Marx's works and the history of national accounts.
History of National Accounts - bibliography
Starting point for glossary:
Glossary for Marx and SNA terms
These are the first of many individual draft topic files that will be used to prepare material for publication. Others should simply add their own.
Cryptic notes on C2.20.5.3 and similar sections for future use in working out a better presentation than Marx did.
Long quote from Marx C2.4 MECW34 108.1-111.1
I believe this quote deserves careful study to understand the need for introducing stocks and turnover of inputs, outputs and money from earlier parts of C2 in order to improve Marx's incomplete presentation of the reproduction schemes in the direction required for understanding Maksakovsky's further development.
Also as preparation for introducing multiple linear technologies ("activities") for actually modeling accumulation with increasing organic composition.